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The Stand featured in this article is commonly referred to as "Thoth". Stand Tohth can only see the near future...It can't see too far...but... once something is printed it can't be changed!


Tohth (トト神 Toto-shin) is the Stand of Boingo, featured in Stardust Crusaders.


JoJo God 07 - Thoth


Thoth appears as a comic book which even non-Stand users can see and interact with. The comic is called "Oingo Boingo Brothers Adventures," and adopts a peculiar, whimsical art style, comprised of distorted and highly stylised representations of the characters and the environment complete with abstract symbols or similar stylistic quirks.[1]

The comic book narrates the future in a childish way with enthusiastically and childishly written texts punctuating the comic-book.[1]

It represents the Egyptian God ThothW, the god of writing, alluding to the Stand's ability to print the near future onto its own pages.[1]


As a mere foretelling comic book, Thoth is not suited for direct combat at all but is a valuable tool if one wants to take the upper hand in any situation. Thanks to it, the Joestar Group was almost killed in Aswan by Oingo[2] and in Cairo by Hol Horse.[3]


Begone thoth

Thoth beginning to predict the future.

Thoth's ability is to predict the future.

The book is mostly filled with blank pages, but as time passes, more pages will fill up, predicting coming events up to several minutes ahead in the future.[1] Moreover, the predicted events will be those relevant to the reader specifically; for example when a passing tourist borrowed and read the book, it depicted his own future death,[1] whereas when Oingo read it, it depicted his future attempts at assassinating the Joestar Group.[2]

Boingo claims the events depicted in the comic-book are 100% guaranteed to always come true no matter what;[4] in all its appearances, the predictions happen without fail, although sometimes in a roundabout way. For example, while it depicts Jotaro's head being split apart by a blast,[4] it was actually Oingo, who had taken on the appearance of Jotaro with his shapeshifting Stand, who is blasted apart by his own bomb.[5] Furthermore, if someone were to not act as the comic-book predicted, even by accident, such as when Hol Horse shot two minutes ahead of schedule without realizing it,[3] then events would conspire to make the predictions come true anyway, but in a way that's harmful to the one who tried to go off script.[6] Thus Hol Horse was shot by his own bullets through the page depicting Jotaro being riddled with bullets, the bullet shooting through the bullet holes on the picture, making the predictions true in a way while almost killing Hol Horse.[3]

However, Thoth only predicts key events without showing what happens between them or significant details. Because the drawings are incomplete and the narration texts misleading, everything Thoth predicts is subject to interpretation. For instance, Thoth stated that Hol Horse would kick a woman, after which she would be thankful and give him all her jewelry, leaving out the fact that Hol Horse would do so to save her from being stung by a poisonous scorpion.[7] Furthermore, it only predicts up to several minutes in the future, meaning that an action that seems beneficial may have consequences later. Because of the comic-book, Oingo mugged a man he thought was easy prey,[2] but the man later came back with several thugs to beat him up.[5] This makes Thoth incredibly difficult to use, requiring the user to exercise caution to minimise the risk of negative consequences.

Thoth does not reflect damage onto the user, as seen in "Hol Horse and Boingo, part 2", where Hol Horse's bullets puncture it, but Boingo is unharmed.


Manga Appearances
Chapters in order of appearance
Anime Appearances
Episodes in order of appearance



  • Araki was inspired to create Thoth by thinking about his own future at the time, having recently been married.[8]
  • Thoth's form as a comic book is a reference to The Book of Thoth, which was a book said to have been written by the Egyptian God Thoth, and is said to contain knowledge of how to talk to animals as well as the ability to perceive oneself as a God, or having supernatural abilities, similar to the idea of a Stand.
  • In the Japanese version, Thoth can also be read as Thoth (トト Toto). Because of this, the artbook JoJo6251 Romanizes it as such.
  • The Tarot cards in the anime are drawn in the same art style as Thoth.
  • It's also noted that Jotaro was killed twice in a similar fashion to how Thoth portrayed his death: the first time in Diamond is Unbreakable by Killer Queen's third bomb, Bites the Dust, and the second time in Stone Ocean by Pucci splitting his head.

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