Lindbergh Elementary School is the Retroville school that Jimmy and his friends attend. As such, it is a frequently occurring setting in the show. It is named after Charles Lindbergh and has a statue of him out front. It has a running track that wraps around a football field (which was never used in the show), a playground, at least one classroom, a teachers' lounge, a principal's office, an assembly hall, a cafeteria, several bathrooms, and long hallways lined with lockers.
- Principal Willoughby (Principal)
- Ms. Fowl (Teacher)
- Coach Gruber (Gym teacher)
- Coach Levi (Gym teacher) (video game only)
- Hilgo (Lunch lady)
Known Students[]
- Abraham Adler
- Amber
- Angie Jenson
- Betty Quinlan
- Bolbi Stroganovsky
- Brittany Tenelli
- Butch Pakovski
- Carl Wheezer
- Chuck Lester (formerly)
- Cindy Vortex
- Courtney Tyler
- Emily
- Farley Pakovski
- Ignishka Stroganovski
- Ike Wolvermein
- Jimmy Neutron
- Kevin
- Lewis
- Libby Folfax
- Nathan Decarlo
- Nick Dean
- Nissa Kapadopolus
- Oleander Svalsbord
- Rose
- Sheen Estevez
- Terry Finster (formerly)
- Tina Sue
- Tristan
- Wendall
- Yentl Marmelstein
- In the pilot episode, the school bus has "Retroville Middle School" written on the side.
- In storybooks, it is called "Retroville Elementary".
- In Jimmy for President, we learn that the school has a minimum of 37 pupils (the election's three-way tie is the result of 36 students voting (this presumably includes the candidates themselves) and with Carl, as the only one not to vote, it's a grand total of 37 students).
- Lindbergh Elementary was partially destroyed in Substitute Creature, when Ms. Fowl grew so large that she broke through the school's roof.
- In Out, Darn Spotlight, the school building was displaced. A giant tornado carried it to the top of a mountain.
- On Evil Earth, the statue in front of the school is not of Charles Lindbergh, but of Attila the Hun.