Jimmy Neutron Wiki
Jimmy Neutron Wiki

Emily is a supporting character in the franchise. She attends Lindbergh Elementary School with Jimmy and his friends.


Emily is a tall girl with an elongated head, medium curly red hair, black eyes, big ears, freckles and wears a green braces. She also wears large round black glasses and a pink dress with a red sash over it as if it were a belt.


Emily is shown to be a fussy and bratty person towards her boyfriend Oleander, clearly being the dominant one in the relationship. She is manipulative by saying Oleander doesn't love her if he won't do what she wants.




After the adults disappeared, Emily has fun with all the kids. She joins Jimmy and the kids to rescue their kidnapped parents by travelling to Yolkus and taking down the Yolkains.

Season 1[]

In Krunch Time, Emily is apart of the kids in demanding Jimmy to give him more of his addictive candy, which she becomes addicted until the end of the episode.

In Broadcast Blues, Emily is one of the audiences for Lindbergh Elementary Public Access Show. She cheers at Cindy, Libby and Brittany's dancing while sleeping at Jimmy's show about science.

In The Eggpire Strikes Back, Emily holds up a 10 sign after Hugh back flips to avoid Poultra's attack.

Season 2[]

Love Potion Emily 2

"More macaroni!"

In Sorry, Wrong Era, Emily was disgusted by Hugh eating his ice cream repeatedly using Jimmy's Quantum Replay 9000.

In Return of the Nanobots, Emily was deleted by the Nanobots while she was talking to Tina Sue in the school's hallway. Her face can be seen on Jimmy's computer along with other deleted people when Jimmy is demonstrating what would happen if the Nanobots emptied their virtual trash bin. When Jimmy defeats the Nanobots, Emily can be seen restored to reality at the end of the episode, standing near Ike Wilderman and Butch Pakovski.

In Holly Jolly Jimmy, Emily and Jimmy's class join Ms Fowl in singing about Santa Claus to Jimmy.

In Love Potion 976/J, Emily is revealed to be dating Oleander and is fussy about the macaroni card he is making for her. Oleander passes out from the paste which he said makes him feel "woozy" to which Emily just shakes her head in disappointment.

In Foul Bull, Emily attends a school trip to see Sagebrush Sally perform. While on the way to the location, Jimmy accidentally causes her braces to be stuck on his newest invention, the hyper directional super conducting electro magnet. She is seen rubbing her teeth in pain afterwards.

In Men at Work, Emily is one of McSpanky's customers to flee terror with everyone when the restaurant goes berserk due to Hugh Neutron.

In Billion Dollar Boy, Emily is seen as one of the audience at the Battle Kite competition.

Season 3[]

Foul Bull Emily 2.

Emily's braces get stuck on Jimmy's invention

In My Big Fat Spy Wedding, Emily was one of the guests for the wedding of Jet Fusion and Beautiful Gorgeous.

In The Incredible Shrinking Town, Emily and the entire town was accidentally turned into tiny humans by Jimmy. She was directly captured by Travoltron and placed in a fish tank with Amber, Wendall and Ike Wilderman.

In How to Sink a Sub, Jimmy sends the teachers away for a week and everyone in the school has brief fun. She was scared to death by Nathan Decarlo who hid in her locker. Emily is one of the three students, alongside Ike Wilderman and Kevin, to be shot with spit balls by Hugh and Judy after they accidentally consumed Jimmy's test tube filled with concentrated hormone.

Jimmy Timmy Power Hours[]

In Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 2: When Nerds Collide!, Emily is seen dancing with Farley Pakovski at the inter-dimensional dance party.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]

Season 3[]

Jimmy Timmy Power Hours[]


  • Emily shares the same voice actress with Jimmy, Debi Derryberry.
  • Emily is revealed to be dating Oleander Svalsbord in Love Potion 976/J.
  • Love Potion 976/J and Foul Bull are her only official roles in the entire show and the first said episode was also her only speaking role.
  • Emily wears braces in Foul Bull, which is the only time she has them.
  • Although Emily is not in Jimmy's class, she is seen in his classroom only once in Love Potion 976/J. She also attends a field trip with Jimmy's class in Foul Bull, although that might just be a general school trip rather than a class trip.