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"Haven't you heard? Your lover-boy's getting married!"
― Assistant secretary to Miss Moneypenny[src]

In Welcome to Japan, Mr. Bond, Miss Moneypenny has an unnamed assistant. She was played by the English actress Kate O'Mara.


She mainly serves as a linking device between the various clips. All we know is that she is probably British, is cleared for high security work and is fairly new to the work. She is never to be seen again.

The assistant displays a somewhat catty nature to Moneypenny, sometimes curt and often a bit cheeky. Moneypenny does not react to this angrily.

It is not entirely clear whether she has ever met James Bond before, or whether she will do so in future. She is aware of him and also that Moneypenny has a thing for him.


The assistant never meets James Bond within the film itself, nor does she meet Q who also has a non-archival rôle in the film.

She is apparently the only character created specifically for the programme by screenwriter Edwin Apfel, all the others either appear in stock footage, reprise their rôles from previous films, are not fully seen or are purely voiceovers.

Some critics, including Calvin Dyson, have pointed out some of the curious inconsistencies in her representation. The fictional James Bond and Sean Connery are conflated throughout the special and her and Moneypenny look at pictures which are clearly stills from the films rather than proper surveillance pictures.


See also[]

