Jade Empire Wiki
Jade Empire Wiki

Martial styles are a form combat that relies on punches and kicks of different kinds. Unlike weapons and magic, martial styles are free to use and do not drain Focus or Chi, but Chi can be spent to increase the damage of attacks through Chi Strikes.

Martial styles are the default and most versatile form of combat, capable of damaging all types of enemies except golems.

Support styles are a branch of martial styles that generally focuses on reducing enemies' combat effectiveness through various disabling effects instead of dealing direct damage.

Basic martial styles[]

They are available at the time of character creation, where the player can choose only one, but the others will become available for purchase later in the game.

Thousand Cuts[]

Very low damage, very fast attacks, short reach. Uses only punches.

Leaping Tiger[]

Low damage, fast attacks, mobile with long reach.

Legendary Strike[]

Average stats all around. Uses only kicks.

White Demon[]

Very slow, very strong. Average reach.

Advanced martial styles[]

Learning an advanced martial style requires collecting a set of three scrolls throughout the first three chapters of the game and only one of these styles can be learned, due to the fact that the second scroll from each set is a reward from the same quest. Whichever scroll the player receives is dependent on their chosen solution.

Iron Palm[]

Slow, but strong with a long range charge power attack. No alignment restriction.


Fast basic attacks, fastest power attack out of all fighting styles. Low damage, but poisons on hit. Average reach. Restricted to Closed Fist.
