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Jade Empire Wiki


The Flawless is a staff (more like a guandao, actually) and an upgrade to the Golden Star. It deals more damage and has slightly longer reach. It can be purchased for 7500 silver coins from Merchant Shipeng in Tien's Landing (Chapter 2) or the blacksmith in the Imperial City (Chapter 3).


Attack power: 2/5 (low, +25% over the Golden Star)

Area of effect: 1/5 (pure single target)

Attack speed: 2/5 (low)

Reach: 5/5 (very long, longer than the Golden Star)

Accessibility: 5/5 (purchasable in Chapter 2, very early for a first upgrade)

Overall rating: 2/5 (not a particularly effective, but safe, single target weapon style)

In-Game Description[]

The scrolls of Peng Qi contain the story of a monk who shaped a flawless staff using only swatches of silk. At first, the silk did nothing but polish the rough wood, but after thirty-four years the staff was perfectly smooth, straight, and flawless. After finishing the staff, the monk told his abbot he was going for a walk to test his new staff, and he never returned. An exiled warrior eventually discovered the staff and attached a sharp blade that is every bit as perfect as the staff itself. It has since been adorned with precious metals, but it remains as flawless as ever.
