

出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』

ブロスル・ハシュラヒャー(Brosl Hasslacher、1941年5月13日 - 2005年11月11日)は理論物理学者。

1962年にハーバード大学で物理学の学士を取得した。ニューヨーク州立大学ストーニーブルック校でD.Z. フリーマン、楊振寧とともに研究し博士号を取得した。プリンストン高等研究所カリフォルニア工科大学、パリのENSCERNなどいくつかのポスドクおよび研究職の後、ロスアラモス国立研究所の理論部門に20年以上所属した。そこでは理論物理学、高エネルギー物理学、非線形動力学、流体力学、ナノテクノロジー、ロボット工学の理論的、実験的、数値的研究に携わっていた。

1970年代、A. ヌヴーと協力して拡張ハドロンモデルに取り組んだ。

1980年代、Uriel Frisch、Yves Pomeauとともに流体流の離散シミュレーションのための格子気体法を開拓した。






  • B. Hasslacher, A. Neveu, "Dynamic charges in field theories", Nuclear Physics (1979).
  • B. Hasslacher, M.J. Perry, "Spin networks are simplicial quantum gravity", Physics Letters (1981).
  • Frisch, U., B. Hasslacher, and Y. Pomeau, "Lattice gas Automata for the Navier Stokes Equation"' Phys. Rev. Lett. (1986).
  • B. Hasslacher, "Spontaneous curvature in a class of lattice field theories" Physica D(1991).
  • B. Hasslacher, M.W. Tilden, "Living machines", Robotics and Autonomous Systems (1995).
  • B. Hasslacher, DA Meyer, "Modeling dynamical geometry with lattice gas automata", (1998).
  • Dashen, RF; Hasslacher, B; Neveu, "A Particle spectrum in model field theories from semiclassical functional integral techniques" Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); (1975)
  • Frisch, U.; d'Humieres, D.; Hasslacher, B.; Lallemand, P.; Pomeau, Y.; Rivet, JP "Lattice gas hydrodynamics in two and three dimensions. " Complex Systems; (1987)
  • Dashen, RF; Hasslacher, B; Neveu, A "Semiclassical bound states in an asymptotically free theory" Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 1975;
  • Christ, N.; Hasslacher, B.; Mueller, AH Light-cone behavior of perturbation theory. Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 15 Dec. 1972; vol.6, no.12, p. 3543-62
  • Corrigan, E; Hasslacher, B "Functional-Equation for Exponential Loop Integrals In Gauge Theories" Physics Letters B; 1979; v.81, no.2, p. 181-184
  • Feigenbaum, MJ; Hasslacher, B, "Irrational decimations and path integrals for external noise" Physical Review Letters; 30 Aug. 1982; vol.49, no.9, p. 605-9
  • Hasslacher, B; Mottola, E Gauge "Field Model of Induced Classical Gravity" Physics Letters B; 1980; v.95, no.2, p. 237-240
  • Hasslacher, B; Mottola, E, "Asymptotically Free Quantum-Gravity and Black-Holes" Physics Letters B; 1981; v.99, no.3, p. 221-224
  • Hasslacher, B; Perry, MJ, "Spin Networks are Simplicial Quantum-Gravity" Physics Letters B; 1981; v.103, no.1, p. 21-24
  • Hasslacher, B.; Kapral, R.; Lawniczak, A., "Molecular Turing structures in the biochemistry of the cell" Chaos; 1993; vol.3, no.1, p. 7-13
  • Hasslacher, B.; Sinclair, DK; Cicuta, GM; Sugar, RL "Tower exchange in lambda phi {sup 3} theory" Physical Review Letters; (1970)
  • Hasslacher, B.; Sinclair, DK "Feynman-parameter approach to N-tower exchange in phi {sup 3} theory" Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 15 April 1971; vol.3, no.8, p. 1770–81
  • Hasslacher, B.; Hsue, CS; Sinclair, DK "Dual-resonance model implications for two-particle spectra in inclusive reactions" Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); (1971)
  • Hasslacher, B; Sinclair, DK, "Problems with currents in the dual-resonance model" Lettere al Nuovo Cimento; 12 Sept. 1970; vol.4, no.11, p. 515-19
  • Imholt, TJ; Dyke, CA; Hasslacher, B; Perez, JM; Price, DW; Roberts, JA; Scott, JB; Wadhawan, A; Ye, Z; Tour, JM Nanotubes in Microwave Fields: Light Emission, Intense Heat, Outgassing, and Reconstruction Chemistry of Materials; 21 Oct. 2003; vol.15, no.21, p. 3969-70
  • Hasslacher, B; Meyer, DA Modeling dynamical geometry with lattice-gas automata. International Journal of Modern Physics C; Dec. 1998; vol.9, no.8, p. 1597-605 Conference: 7th International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluids, 14–18 July 1998, Oxford, UK
  • Hasslacher, B; Meyer, DA Lattice gases and exactly solvable models. Journal of Statistical Physics; Aug. 1992; vol.68, no.3-4, p. 575-90
  • Hasslacher, B PARALLEL BILLIARDS AND MONSTER SYSTEMS DAEDALUS; WIN 1992; v.121, no.1, p. 53-65
  • HASSLACHER, B; MEYER, DA Knot invariants and cellular automata. Physica D; 2 Sept. 1990; vol.45, no.1-3, p. 328-44
  • Hasslacher, B.; Mottola, E. Asymptotically free quantum gravity and black holes. Physics Letters B; 19 Feb. 1981; vol.99B, no.3, p. 221-4
  • Hasslacher, B.; Mottola, E. Gauge field model of induced classical gravity. Physics Letters B; 22 Sept. 1980; vol.95B, no.2, p. 237-40
  • Dashen, RF; Hasslacher, B.; Neveu, A. Nonperturbative methods and extended-hadron models in field theory. I. Semiclassical functional methods. Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 15 Dec. 1974; vol.10, no.12, p. 4114-29
  • Dashen, RF; Hasslacher, B.; Neveu, A. Nonperturbative methods and extended-hadron models in field theory. II. Two-dimensional models and extended hadrons. Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 15 Dec. 1974; vol.10, no.12, p. 4130-8
  • Dashen, RF; Hasslacher, B.; Neveu, A., Nonperturbative methods and extended-hadron models in field theory. III. Four-dimensional non-Abelian models. Physical Review D (Particles and Fields); 15 Dec. 1974; vol.10, no.12, p. 4138-42

