This is a list of locations that do not have enough information to constitute a whole page.
The Gorge is a location on Inanimate Island introduced in "One-Shot Wonder". Where the contest was to cross it using a slingshot. Its second appearance where Salt called it awfully big had a visual error presumably due to software problems.
Marshmallow was the first one to cross it due to Knife. Salt falls into the gorge due to Balloon and Pickle tripping on Rocky. And Pepper jumping off for obvious reasons. Same with Nickel due to Rocky's murder on Lightbulb to be stepped on by Knife unpreparedly launching Nickel into the sky. Balloon just floats slowly and gets popped by Taco
Walmart is a store never seen but frequently mentioned on Inanimate Insanity. It is stated to be the store that "has everything", and given how many items that the characters have purchased from it, this has basically proven to be true. Contestants have purchased many items, including a platform with a spring used to fling Knife and a time machine. Marshmallow is the most frequent customer of Walmart (and has owned a Rewards card), followed by Paintbrush. During "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 1)", Walmart is mentioned in Tyler Bumgard's riddle.
The store and the products it sells can be used as a deus ex machina for the contestants. (A deus ex machina being whereby a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the contrived and unexpected intervention of some new event, character, ability, or object.) So far, a remote that activates a launchpad that came with a free cucumber, a time machine, a dummy resembling MePhone4, a big shiny aluminum tree, and a boat have been bought from Walmart.
Distant Beach[]
The Distant Beach is a beach, which is located near the island. In "Hatching the Plan", Toilet was walking along the beach when he saw MePhone4's broken sailboat. MePhoneX came out and, now in a flashback in "The Reality of the Situation", A.D.A.M., B.R.I.A.N., and J.U.S.T.I.N. convinced him to go on a training course controlling MePhoneX that was actually a trick to get him to kill people.