Niall Burns, also known as XanyLeaves, is an English animator and graphic designer on Inanimate Insanity II and Inanimate Insanity Invitational. He was first credited in "Breaking the Ice".
He is also the voice actor of Chives, Thermos, and Gamey.
Animation Credits[]
Inanimate Insanity II[]
- "Breaking The Ice"
- "Marsh on Mars"
- "Tri Your Best"
- "Cooking for the Grater Good"
- "A Kick in the Right Direction"
- "Let Er' R.I.P."
- "Everything's A-OJ"
- "Theft and Battery"
- "Rain On Your Charade"
- "Mazed and Confused"
- "Kick the Bucket"
- "Alternate Reality Show"
- "Mine Your Own Business"
- "Hatching the Plan"
- "Truth or Flare"
- "Objects in Mirror"
Inanimate Insanity Invitational[]
- "Stranded in Paradise"
- "The Shame of the Name"
- "Snapshot Showdown"
- "The Overthinkers"
- "Tragedy at 60 Feet"
- "Try Not To Laugh Challenge"
- "Best Served Cold"
- "Out of Body Experience"
- "Title TBD"
- "I Am Chocolate!"
- "Pesty Besties"
- "Friend or Froze"
- "Spring on the Breakfast!"
- "Blue Buried"
- "A Jury of Your Fears"
- "You Can't Do This Forever"
Graphic Design Credits[]
- "Breaking The Ice"
- "Marsh on Mars"
- "Tri Your Best"
- "Cooking for the Grater Good"
- "A Kick in the Right Direction"
- "Let Er' R.I.P."
- Niall has worked with AnimationEpic for over 13 years, starting in the Season 2 premiere "Breaking the Ice".
- Niall animated the intro for Inanimate Insanity Invitational.
- Niall is also an animator and a voice actor for BFB and TPOT, where he voices the characters Profily and Two.
- Niall is the creator of Object Overload. The host of said show, Gamey, also appears various times in Inanimate Insanity II.
- Niall is the creator of TROC.