Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki

Inanimate Insanity II[]

(Right): You won't push me off will you?
(Left): Of course not, but what about that thing?
(Right): Ew, what 'is' that thing?

—"Breaking The Ice"

Box is going down! Oh wow that actually worked!

—"Breaking The Ice"

What's wrong with US?!

—"Breaking The Ice"

Yeah, I can... And it's boring me to tears!

—"Marsh on Mars"

Long live the Maraschinos!

—"Tri Your Best"

Because... I sent Marshmallow to Mars!

Tri Your Best

Oh, who am I kidding? I deserve this.

Tri Your Best

(Right): The portal let us here,
(Left): Against our wills.

Everything's A-OJ

Was it a prank?

The Reality of the Situation

(Right): Hey just wanted to say your prank caused some unnecessary stress and confusion
(Left): Take it from me, try to be more thoughtful about your practical jokes in the future.

—to Baseball in The Reality of the Situation

(Right): So you expect us to believe you thought a bunch of contestants... Exactly the ones you pictured in your head... Just showed up out of nowhere?
(Left): Were you born yesterday?!

Through No Choice of Your Own

Let's ask him!

Objects in Mirror

Honestly, two in nine chance that button was gonna work, but now I look really cool!

Objects in Mirror

Inanimate Comics[]

(Left): It's suppose to be a nice prank! See, we pranked Trophy by scaring him. But it was still nice since he something to take pictures of now!
(Right): Even if you don't like it, wasn't catching all those butterflies fun?

—to Ying-Yang in Butterflies