Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki


"I think I finished... about half."

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Oh, no, blue? The color of defeat? It's over everybody, it's over. It's all over. Thanks, Cabby.

Stranded in Paradise

What's the use... Nothing I say matters... nothing matters...

Stranded in Paradise

I'll show him.

I Am Chocolate!

I came here to prove. That when you said I can do ANYTHING. You. Were. Wrong. I can't... Tie my shoes.

I Am Chocolate!

But I stayed because I didn't want to ride a boat. And now I've been forced onboard one. Boats are horrific affronts to nature. How do they float? Wizard magic?

Blue Buried

Sweet, sweet land. I've never felt so alive.

Blue Buried

So to answer the question of whodunnit... I done it. To myself. It's the perfect crime. My own. Start clapping.

Blue Buried

Once again, you thought what I wanted you to think.

Blue Buried

Just know. I run this game now.

Blue Buried

Break time!

The Great Bluish Bake Off

Well, MY cookie is the ultimate symbol of servantship.

The Great Bluish Bake Off

What’s the use. I've pushed everyone away, in an effort to intimidate you all into losing the game, but I failed. And now, everyone hates me.

The Great Bluish Bake Off

Oh, it's not the global warming thing, I kind of liked combusting! I meant to push everyone away, to finally achieve my victory, but it left me with nothing.

The Great Bluish Bake Off

Let's not lie to ourselves, that's not gonna happen. But just know… I'm rooting for you all.

The Great Bluish Bake Off

HELLO. I would like to inform you that if you don't vote for Silver Spoon, you're all stupid loser babies with no respect for utter alphas.

A Jury of Your Fears

Not this guy.

A Jury of Your Fears

It was awesome.

You Can't Do This Forever