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Idi Amin

Shí Wikipedia, njikotá édémédé nke onyobulạ
Idi Amin
ụdịekerenwoke Dezie
mba o sịUganda, Saudi Arabia, Uganda Protectorate, Uganda Dezie
aha n'asụsụ obodoIdi Amin Dezie
aha enyereIdi Dezie
aha ezinụlọ yaAmin Dezie
ụbọchị ọmụmụ ya1925, 30 Mee 1928 Dezie
Ebe ọmụmụKoboko, Kampala Dezie
Ụbọchị ọnwụ ya16 Ọgọọst 2003 Dezie
Ebe ọ nwụrụKing Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre Dezie
Ụdị ọnwụeke na-akpata Dezie
Ebe oliliJeddah Dezie
Dị/nwunyeSarah Kyolaba Dezie
asụsụ ọ na-asụ, na-ede ma ọ bụ were na-ebinye akaEnglish, Swahili Dezie
ọrụ ọ na-arụOnye ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchị, military officer, Ugandan boxer, ndị agha Dezie
ụdị ọrụ yamilitary affairs Dezie
Ọkwá o jiPresident of Uganda, chairperson of the Organisation of African Unity Dezie
Ebe obibiJeddah Dezie
onye otu ndọrọ ndọrọ ọchịchịindependent politician Dezie
okpukpere chi/echiche ụwano value Dezie
Ọnọdụ ahụikesyphilis Dezie
ụdị egwuregwuboxing Dezie
ọkwa aghafield marshal, major general Dezie
esemokwuMau Mau Uprising, 1971 Ugandan coup d'état, Uganda–Tanzania War Dezie
ngalaba aghaBritish Army, Uganda People's Defence Force Dezie
dochieApollo Milton Obote Dezie
Idi Amin

Idi Amin Dada (m.1925 – 16 Ọgọọst 2003) bu ru ọtú oghu ishi áká íke na ishi obodo Uganda shi afọr 1971 rúrú 1979. Amin gàrà nséré ọtú agha ndi Britain, King's African Rifles (Égbẹ Afrikạ Eze), na 1946, ya mechá jírí ochíchì nke Odogwu na Ozízí Ọtú agha Uganda. O wèrè ochíchí na ogwu ndi ọtú agha nke Önwa mbu na afọr 1971, kúfù Milton Obote.

Ochíchí Amin nwekàrà ihe öjö mere ndi madu, na ochíchí nsọ, mmegbu ọtú madu, ogbúgbú nke adighị na íwú, ma ha síkwá, ma ha sikwaghị. Ogbúgbú kara madu otụ puku nári.