Otto Neurath
Otto Karl Wilhelm Neurath | |
![]() Otto Neurath | |
Lahir | Wina, Kekaisaran Austria-Hungaria (sekarang Austria) | 10 Desember 1882
Meninggal | 22 Desember 1945 Oxford, Britania Raya | (umur 63)
Almamater | Universitas Berlin |
Era | Filsafat abad ke-20 |
Kawasan | Filsafat Barat |
Aliran | Analitis |
Minat utama | Filsafat ilmu |
Gagasan penting | Fisikalisme[1] Protokollsatz (pernyataan protokol) |
Dipengaruhi | |
Memengaruhi |
Otto Neurath (Jerman: [ˈnɔʏʀaːt]; 10 Desember 1882 – 22 Desember 1945) adalah filsuf, filsuf ilmu, sosiolog, dan ekonom politik Austria. Sebelum mengungsi ke luar negeri tahun 1934, Neurath merupakan salah satu tokoh utama Lingkaran Wina.
[sunting | sunting sumber]Otto Neurath menulis beberapa buku dan artikel. Berikut adalah judul pilihannya:
- 1913. Serbiens Erfolge im Balkankriege: eine wirtschaftliche und soziale Studie. Wien: Manz.
- 1921. Anti-Spengler. München, Callwey Verlag.
- 1926. Antike Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Leipzig, Berlin: B. G. Teubner.
- 1928. Lebensgestaltung und Klassenkampf. Berlin: E. Laub.
- 1933. Einheitswissenschaft und Psychologie. Wien.
- 1936. International Picture Language; the First Rules of Isotype. London: K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd., 1936
- 1937. Basic by Isotype. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trubner & co., ltd.
- 1939. Modern Man in the Making. Alfred A. Knopf
- 1944. Foundations of the Social Sciences. University of Chicago Press
- 1944. International Encyclopedia of Unified Science. With Rudolf Carnap, and Charles W. Morris (eds.). University of Chicago Press.
- 1946. Philosophical Papers, 1913–1946. Marie Neurath and Robert Cohen, with Carolyn R. Fawcett, eds.
- 1973. Empiricism and Sociology. Marie Neurath and Robert Cohen, eds. With a selection of biographical and autobiographical sketches by Popper and Carnap. Includes abridged translation of Anti-Spengler.
Artikel pilihan:
- 1912. The problem of the pleasure maximum. In: Cohen and Neurath (eds.) 1983
- 1913. The lost wanderers of Descartes and the auxiliary motive. In: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1916. On the classification of systems of hypotheses. In: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1919. Through war economy to economy in kind. In: Neurath 1973 (a short fragment only)
- 1920a. Total socialisation. In: Cohen and Uebel 2004
- 1920b. A system of socialisation. In: Cohen and Uebel 2004
- 1928. Personal life and class struggle. In: Neurath 1973
- 1930. Ways of the scientific world-conception. In: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1931a. The current growth in global productive capacity. In: Cohen and Uebel 2004
- 1931b. Empirical sociology. In: Neurath 1973
- 1931c. Physikalismus. In: Scientia: rivista internazionale di sintesi scientifica, 50, 1931, pp. 297–303
- 1932. Protokollsätze (Protocol statements).In: Erkenntnis, Vol. 3. Repr.: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1935a. Pseudorationalism of falsification. In: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1935b. The unity of science as a task. In: Cohen and Neurath 1983
- 1937. Die neue enzyklopaedie des wissenschaftlichen empirismus. In: Scientia: rivista internazionale di sintesi scientifica, 62, 1937, pp. 309–320
- 1938 'The Departmentalization of Unified Science', Erkenntnis VII, pp. 240–46
- 1940. Argumentation and action. The Otto Neurath Nachlass in Haarlem 198 K.41
- 1941. The danger of careless terminology. In: The New Era 22: 145–50
- 1942. International planning for freedom. In: Neurath 1973
- 1943. Planning or managerial revolution. (Review of J. Burnham, The Managerial Revolution). The New Commonwealth 148–54
- 1943–5. Neurath–Carnap correspondence, 1943–1945. The Otto Neurath Nachlass in Haarlem, 223
- 1944b. Ways of life in a world community. The London Quarterly of World Affairs, 29–32
- 1945a. Physicalism, planning and the social sciences: bricks prepared for a discussion v. Hayek. 26 July 1945. The Otto Neurath Nachlass in Haarlem 202 K.56
- 1945b. Neurath–Hayek correspondence, 1945. The Otto Neurath Nachlass in Haarlem 243
- 1945c. Alternatives to market competition. (Review of F. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom). The London Quarterly of World Affairs 121–2
- 1946a. The orchestration of the sciences by the encyclopedism of logical empiricism. In: Cohen and. Neurath 1983
- 1946b. After six years. In: Synthese 5:77–82
- 1946c. The orchestration of the sciences by the encyclopedism of logical empiricism. In: Cohen and. Neurath 1983
- 1946. From Hieroglyphics to Isotypes. Nicholson and Watson. Excerpts. Rotha (1946) claims that this is in part Neurath's autobiography.
Lihat pula
[sunting | sunting sumber]Referensi
[sunting | sunting sumber]Bacaan lanjutan
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Cartwright Nancy, J. Cat, L. Fleck, and T. Uebel, 1996. Otto Neurath: philosophy between science and politics. Cambridge University Press
- Cohen R. S. and M. Neurath (eds.) 1983. Otto Neurath: Philosophical Papers. Reidel
- Cohen, R. S. and T. Uebel (eds.) 2004. Otto Neurath: Economic Writings 1904–1945. Kluwer
- Dutto, Andrea Alberto, 2017, "The Pyramid and the Mosaic. Otto Neurath’s encyclopedism as a critical model," Footprint. Delft Architecture Theory Journal, #20.
- Matthew Eve and Christopher Burke: Otto Neurath: From Hieroglyphics to Isotype. A visual Autobiography, Hyphen Press, London 2010
- Sophie Hochhäusl Otto Neurath - City Planning: Proposing a socio-political Map for Modern Urbanism, Innsbruck University Press, 2011 ISBN 978-3-902-81107-3.
- Holt, Jim, "Positive Thinking" (review of Karl Sigmund, Exact Thinking in Demented Times: The Vienna Circle and the Epic Quest for the Foundations of Science, Basic Books, 449 pp.), The New York Review of Books, vol. LXIV, no. 20 (21 December 2017), pp. 74–76.
- Kraeutler, Hadwig. 2008. Otto Neurath. Museum and Exhibition Work – Spaces (Designed) for Communication. Frankfurt, Berlin, Bern, Bruxelles, New York, Oxford, Vienna, Peter Lang Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften.
- Nemeth, E., and Stadler, F., eds., "Encyclopedia and Utopia: The Life and Work of Otto Neurath (1882–1945)." Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook, vol. 4.
- O'Neill, John, 2003, "Unified science as political philosophy: positivism, pluralism and liberalism," Studies in History and Philosophy of Science.
- O'Neill, John, 2002, "Socialist Calculation and Environmental Valuation: Money, Markets and Ecology," Science & Society, LXVI/1.
- Neurath, Otto, 1946, "From Hieroglyphs to Isotypes".
- Symons, John – Pombo, Olga – Torres, Juan Manuel (eds.): Otto Neurath and the Unity of Science. (Logic, Epistemology, and the Unity of Science, 18.) Dordrecht: Springer, 2011. ISBN 978-94-007-0142-7
- Vossoughian, Nader. 2008. Otto Neurath: The Language of the Global Polis. NAi Publishers. ISBN 978-90-5662-350-0
- Sandner, Günther, 2014, Otto Neurath. Eine politische Biographie. Zsolnay, Vienna. ISBN 978-3-552-05676-3. (German)
- Danilo Zolo, 1990, Reflexive Epistemology and Social Complexity. The Philosophical Legacy of Otto Neurath, Dordrecht: Kluwer
Pranala luar
[sunting | sunting sumber]- Shalizi, C R, "Otto Neurath: 1882–1945". Includes references and links.
- Gerd Arntz Web Archive with more than 500 Isotypes
- Bibliography Pictorial Statistics
- Mundaneum in Netherlands
- Article discussing Gödel's Incomplete theorems as a refutation to Neurath and the Vienna Circle's logical Positivism
- Austrian Museum for Social and Economic Affairs (Österreichisches Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsmuseum)

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