
Featured Wiki Videos[]

Hello and thank you very much for considering the Hunter x Hunter Wikia for your proposed topic. To be honest I like the idea a lot, but I think this topic should also be brought up with the other admins on here; those being OnePieceNation, MrGenial11, and our lovely Bureaucrat - Darkchylde. So they may also give there opinions on what they think about this and whether or not we should proceed with it.

Thanks again!


RumbleXRumble (talk) 14:58, June 1, 2017 (UTC)

Hey! Thanks for your quick reply. I agree that the other Admins should also be informed and I count on you as a good distributor for that :) Wiki videos will be rolled out to more and more communities and are yet available on plenty wikis. We don't have concrete video creation plans for the HunterxHunter wiki yet but if we see that pages are really popular in this wiki we may decide to place wiki videos on them. Springteufel (talk) 15:22, June 1, 2017 (UTC)

Ok I've talked it over with the other admins on here, and it was a unanimous decision that we have to decline your offer. Thank you though for considering us.

RumbleXRumble (talk) 20:08, June 2, 2017 (UTC)

You'll have to ask the other admins, on that matter. They clearly gave their reasons why on their talk pages.

RumbleXRumble (talk) 15:30, June 7, 2017 (UTC)