Note: many terms are often or only used with the in front.
- big house (the)
- borstal
- bridewell
- brig (the)
- calaboose
- clink (the)
- correctional facility
- crowbar hotel
- detention centre
- dungeon
- gaol
- glasshouse
- graybar hotel (the)
- guardhouse (the)
- gulag
- hole (the)
- honor farm
- hoosegow (the)
- jail
- jailhouse
- juvenile hall
- juvie
- lockup
- pen (the)
- penal colony
- penitentiary
- pokey (the)
- prison
- prison camp
- prison farm
- prison hulk
- prison ship
- remand center
- roundhouse
- slammer (the)
- slam (the)
- stalag
- stockade (the)
- up the river
- workhouse
- Abu Ghraib
- Alcatraz
- Attica
- Bastille (the)
- Dartmoor
- Devil's Island
- Folsom
- Hanoi Hilton (the)
- Leavenworth
- Lefortovo
- Maze
- Pelican Bay
- San Quentin
- Sing Sing
- Tower (the)