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Szerkesztő:Palocvend/Kastélyok/City of Dundee várai, kastélyai

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Az alábbi lista a skóciai Dumfries és Galloway tanácsi kerület területén található várak, kastélyok, paloták felsorolását tartalmazza.

Név Típus Épült Állapot Tulajdonos Hely Megjegyzés Kép
Abbot-torony L-alaprajzú lakótorony A 16. század végén 1990-ben lakóhely céljára átépítve Magán New Abbey, é. sz. 54° 59′ 02″, ny. h. 3° 36′ 26″54.983811°N 3.607172°W
Amisfield-torony Lakótorony 17. század Lakóhelyként szolgál Magán Dumfries közelében, é. sz. 55° 08′ 18″, ny. h. 3° 34′ 58″55.138261°N 3.582781°W Hempisfield-toronyként is ismert
Auchen-vár Udvar köré épített erődítmény 14. század Romos Magán Moffat mellett, é. sz. 55° 19′ 01″, ny. h. 3° 28′ 38″55.317078°N 3.477228°W A közelben van egy Auchen-kastély nevű 1849-ből származó bárói stílusú épület is
A vár maradványai
Auchenrivock-torony L-alaprajzú lakótorony A 16. század vége Romos Buccleuch-birtok Langholm mellett, é. sz. 55° 06′ 55″, ny. h. 2° 59′ 07″55.115353°N 2.985303°W
Auchenskeoch-vár Z-alaprajzú lakótorony 17. század Romos Dalbeattie közelében, é. sz. 54° 54′ 49″, ny. h. 3° 41′ 19″54.913503°N 3.688614°W Az egyetlen Z-alaprajzú lakótorony Gallowayben
Baldoon-vár Lakótorony 17. század Romos Magán Bladenoch mellett, é. sz. 54° 51′ 05″, ny. h. 4° 27′ 12″54.851476°N 4.453243°W
Balmangan-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Borgue mellett, é. sz. 54° 47′ 18″, ny. h. 4° 06′ 01″54.788439°N 4.100222°W
Barclosh-vár Lakótorony A 16. század vége Romos Magán Dalbeattie közelében, é. sz. 54° 56′ 40″, ny. h. 3° 47′ 18″54.944433°N 3.788269°W
Barholm-kastély Lakótorony 15. század Lakóhelyként szolgál Magán Gatehouse of Fleet közelében, é. sz. 54° 50′ 56″, ny. h. 4° 18′ 18″54.848989°N 4.305100°W
Barjarg-kastély L-alaprajzú épület A 16. század vége A 18. századtól folyamatosan átépítve Magán Blackwood mellett, é. sz. 55° 10′ 57″, ny. h. 3° 45′ 38″55.182560°N 3.760441°W
Barscobe-kastély L-alaprajzú lakótorony 1648. 1971-ben felújítva Magán Balmaclellan mellett, é. sz. 55° 06′ 06″, ny. h. 4° 06′ 06″55.101654°N 4.101731°W
Blackethouse-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Eaglesfield mellett, é. sz. 55° 03′ 30″, ny. h. 3° 11′ 12″55.058290°N 3.186642°W
Blacklaw-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Forestry Commission Moffat mellett, é. sz. 55° 20′ 43″, ny. h. 3° 29′ 47″55.345154°N 3.496402°W
Bonshaw-torony Lakótorony 16. század Konzerválva Magán Kirtlebridge mellett, é. sz. 55° 02′ 12″, ny. h. 3° 11′ 15″55.036713°N 3.187569°W
Boreland-torony Lakótorony A 16. század vége, vagy a 17. század eleje Nincsenek látható maradványai Lochwood közelében, é. sz. 55° 14′ 48″, ny. h. 3° 28′ 14″55.246612°N 3.470674°W
Breckonside-torony Lakótorony 1591. körül Romos 1980 óta lakatlan Moffat mellett, é. sz. 55° 18′ 18″, ny. h. 3° 24′ 24″55.304882°N 3.406665°W
Brydekirki torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Magán Brydekirk, é. sz. 55° 01′ 40″, ny. h. 3° 16′ 24″55.027757°N 3.273348°W Romjai részben a Brydekirk Mains farm melléképületeiként szolgálnak
Caerlaverock-vár Udvar köré épített erődítmény 13. század Romos Historic Scotland Glencaple mellett, é. sz. 54° 58′ 32″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 29″54.975436°N 3.524804°W
Cardoness-vár Lakótorony 15. század Romos Historic Scotland Gatehouse of Fleet, é. sz. 54° 52′ 21″, ny. h. 4° 12′ 02″54.872502°N 4.200450°W
Carsluithi vár Lakótorony 16. század Romos Historic Scotland Carsluith, é. sz. 54° 51′ 35″, ny. h. 4° 20′ 52″54.859854°N 4.347791°W
Kennedy-vár Lakótorony 14. század Romos Stair grófja Stranraer mellett, é. sz. 54° 54′ 22″, ny. h. 4° 56′ 58″54.906056°N 4.949577°W A Lochinch-kastély területén helyezkedik el, nagy park veszi körül
Park-kastély Lakótorony 16. század Szálláshely céljára átalakítva Historic Scotland Glenluce mellett, é. sz. 54° 52′ 33″, ny. h. 4° 49′ 33″54.875737°N 4.825753°W A Landmark Trust részére bérbe adva
St. John-vár Lakótorony 16. század Múzeumként helyreállítva Dumfries and Galloway Council Stranraer, é. sz. 54° 54′ 12″, ny. h. 5° 01′ 39″54.903241°N 5.027381°W
Castlemilk-torony Lakótorony 15. század 1707-ben lerombolva Lockerbie mellett, é. sz. 55° 05′ 08″, ny. h. 3° 20′ 05″55.085515°N 3.334717°W
Closeburn-vár Lakótorony 14. század Lakóhelyként szolgál Magán Closeburn mellett, é. sz. 55° 12′ 40″, ny. h. 3° 43′ 09″55.211008°N 3.719260°W
Comlongon-vár Lakótorony 15. század Szálloda céljára átépítve Magán Clarencefield, é. sz. 55° 00′ 25″, ny. h. 3° 26′ 30″55.007008°N 3.441564°W A 19. században bővítették
Cornal-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Moffat közelében, é. sz. 55° 19′ 32″, ny. h. 3° 24′ 04″55.325615°N 3.401094°W
Corra-vár Erődített épület 17. század Csak a romjai láthatóak Magán Kirkgunzeon, é. sz. 54° 58′ 39″, ny. h. 3° 46′ 18″54.977481°N 3.771768°W
Crawfordtoni torony Trapéz alaprajzú lakótorony Romos Crawfordton mellett, é. sz. 55° 10′ 50″, ny. h. 3° 51′ 36″55.180631°N 3.860092°W
Cruggleton-vár Föld- és kővár 12. század Romos Magán Garlieston közelében, é. sz. 54° 45′ 27″, ny. h. 4° 21′ 30″54.757628°N 4.358275°W
Cumstouni vár Lakótorony 1500 körül Romos Cumstoun, é. sz. 54° 51′ 22″, ny. h. 4° 03′ 17″54.856111°N 4.054722°W
Dalswintoni torony Z-alaprajzú lakótorony A 16. század eleje Romos Dalswinton, é. sz. 55° 08′ 21″, ny. h. 3° 39′ 24″55.139167°N 3.656667°W
Drumcoltrani torony L-alaprajzú lakótorony A 16. század vége Konzerválva Historic Scotland Drumcoltran, é. sz. 54° 59′ 45″, ny. h. 3° 46′ 02″54.995903°N 3.767361°W
Drumlanrig-kastély Reneszánsz épület 17. század Lakóhelyként szolgál Buccleuch hercege Carronbridge mellett, é. sz. 55° 16′ 26″, ny. h. 3° 48′ 32″55.273889°N 3.808889°W Egy régi vár helyén épült
Dundeughi vár L-alaprajzú lakótorony 16. század Romos Forestry Commission Dundeugh, é. sz. 55° 09′ 59″, ny. h. 4° 11′ 52″55.166389°N 4.197778°W
Dunskey-vár Lakótorony 16. század Romos Magán Portpatrick közelében, é. sz. 54° 50′ 09″, ny. h. 5° 06′ 26″54.835939°N 5.107361°W
Earsltoun-vár L-alaprajzú lakótorony 16. század Leomlott, de a tetőt felújították Magán Dalry mellett, é. sz. 55° 07′ 55″, ny. h. 4° 10′ 32″55.131818°N 4.175478°W Mezőgazdasági raktárként használják
Edingham-vár Lakótórony 16. század Romos Dalbeattie mellett, é. sz. 54° 56′ 48″, ny. h. 3° 48′ 43″54.946706°N 3.812050°W
Eliock-kastély Lakótorony 16. század Romos Mennock közelében, é. sz. 55° 20′ 48″, ny. h. 3° 53′ 55″55.346755°N 3.898622°W
Elshieshields-torony Lakótorony 16. század Felújítva Templand közelében, é. sz. 55° 09′ 02″, ny. h. 3° 27′ 45″55.150551°N 3.462429°W
Fourmerkland-torony Lakótorony 1590. Konzerválva Steilston mellett, é. sz. 55° 06′ 34″, ny. h. 3° 42′ 48″55.109535°N 3.713331°W
Frenchland-torony Lakótorony A 16. század vége vagy a 17. század eleje Romos Moffat mellett, é. sz. 55° 20′ 04″, ny. h. 3° 25′ 02″55.334416°N 3.417170°W
Friars-kastély Bárói stílusú udvarház Szálláshely céljára átalakítva Magán Colmonell mellett, é. sz. 55° 07′ 26″, ny. h. 4° 56′ 32″55.123800°N 4.942087°W
Gillesbie-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Boreland mellett, é. sz. 55° 12′ 52″, ny. h. 3° 18′ 10″55.214370°N 3.302877°W
Gilnockie-torony Lakótorony 16. század Lakóhelyként átalakítva Magán Hollows, é. sz. 55° 05′ 49″, ny. h. 2° 58′ 12″55.097054°N 2.969964°W Hollowsi toronyként is ismert
Glenae-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Ae falu mellett, é. sz. 55° 11′ 14″, ny. h. 3° 35′ 52″55.187171°N 3.597726°W
Hills-torony Lakótorony 16. század 1930 körül helyreállítva Lochfoot közelében, é. sz. 55° 02′ 09″, ny. h. 3° 42′ 14″55.035970°N 3.703930°W
Hoddom-kastély Megerősített, kíbővített L-alaprajzú lakótorony 1565. Megőrzött állapotban Ecclefechan mellett, é. sz. 55° 02′ 36″, ny. h. 3° 19′ 26″55.043394°N 3.323926°W
Isle-torony Négyszögletes lakótorony 1587. Romos Lockerbie közelében, é. sz. 55° 05′ 08″, ny. h. 3° 20′ 05″55.085515°N 3.334717°W
Isle of Whithorni torony Lakótorony 1674. Lakóhelyként szolgál Magán Isle of Whithorn, é. sz. 54° 42′ 05″, ny. h. 4° 21′ 57″54.701388°N 4.365787°W Az eredeti neve „The Isle” volt
Kenmure-kastély Bárói stílusú udvarház 16. század Romos Galloway mellett, é. sz. 55° 03′ 48″, ny. h. 4° 08′ 20″55.063257°N 4.138868°W
Kinnelhead-bástya Négyszögletes bástya-épület Romos Beattock mellett, é. sz. 55° 17′ 56″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 57″55.298874°N 3.532463°W
Kirkconnell-torony Lakótorony 15. század Lakóhelyként szolgál Magán Glencaple mellett, é. sz. 54° 59′ 46″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 51″54.996073°N 3.530831°W
Lag-torony Négyszög alaprajzú lakótorony 15. század Romos Balckwood mellett, é. sz. 55° 09′ 27″, ny. h. 3° 45′ 28″55.157434°N 3.757764°W
Langholmi torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Langholm, é. sz. 55° 09′ 15″, ny. h. 3° 00′ 16″55.154289°N 3.004308°W
Lochar-torony Négyszögletes lakótorony 16. század Romos Glencaple mellett, é. sz. 55° 00′ 22″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 17″55.006037°N 3.521274°W
Lochhouse-torony Négyszögletes lakótorony 16. század Lakóhely céljára átalakítva Magán Moffat, é. sz. 55° 18′ 55″, ny. h. 3° 26′ 53″55.315182°N 3.447999°W
Lochinch-kastély Bárói stílusú udvarház 1867. Lakóhelyként szolgál Stair grófja Innermessan mellett, é. sz. 54° 54′ 54″, ny. h. 4° 57′ 23″54.914879°N 4.956465°W
Lochmabeni vár Ősi erődítmény 14. század Romos Historic Scotland Lochmaben, é. sz. 55° 06′ 57″, ny. h. 3° 25′ 53″55.115871°N 3.431371°W
Lochnaw-kastély Lakótorony 16. század Challoch mellett, é. sz. 54° 55′ 10″, ny. h. 5° 08′ 11″54.919357°N 5.136291°W Jelentős 17. századi bővítések
Lochwoodi vár L-alaprajzú lakótorony 15. század Romos Magán Lochwood, é. sz. 55° 15′ 21″, ny. h. 3° 26′ 34″55.255933°N 3.442697°W Lochwoodi toronyként is ismert
Lockerbie-i torony Négyszögletes lakótorony 16. század 1967-ben lerombolták Lockerbie, é. sz. 55° 07′ 10″, ny. h. 3° 21′ 22″55.119427°N 3.356232°W A maradványait is eltakarították, a helyére került a jelenlegi rendőrségi épület
MacLellan-vár Lakótorony 16. század Romos Historic Scotland Kircudbright közelében, é. sz. 54° 50′ 11″, ny. h. 4° 03′ 19″54.836398°N 4.055217°W
Mellingshaw-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Moffat közelében, é. sz. 55° 21′ 49″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 15″55.363725°N 3.520769°W
Morton-vár Udvar köré épüét vár 15. század Romos Historic Scotland Carronbridge mellett, é. sz. 55° 16′ 28″, ny. h. 3° 44′ 56″55.274399°N 3.748761°W Korábban egy 13. századi vár állt a helyén
Mouswaldi torony Négyszögletes lakótorony 1562 körül Romos Mouswald mellett, é. sz. 55° 16′ 28″, ny. h. 3° 44′ 56″55.274399°N 3.748761°W
Orchardton-torony Lakótorony 15 század Romos Historic Scotland Palnackie mellett, é. sz. 54° 52′ 33″, ny. h. 3° 50′ 43″54.875724°N 3.845233°W Az egyetlen hengeres lakótorony Skóciában
Raecleugh-torony Lakótorony Romos Glenbreck közelében, é. sz. 55° 23′ 26″, ny. h. 3° 31′ 13″55.390692°N 3.520225°W
Repentance-torony Lakótorony 1565. Megőrzött állapotban Magán Brydekirk, é. sz. 55° 02′ 14″, ny. h. 3° 19′ 25″55.037106°N 3.323718°W
Robgill-torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Kirtlebridge, é. sz. 55° 02′ 03″, ny. h. 3° 10′ 41″55.034109°N 3.178104°W
Sanquhari vár Udvar köré épített erősség 15. század Romos Magán Sanquhar mellett, é. sz. 55° 21′ 42″, ny. h. 3° 55′ 06″55.361727°N 3.918272°W A 19. században részben helyreállítva A Sanquhari vár romjai
Sorbie-i torony Lakótorony 16. század Romos Historic Scotland Sorbie mellett, é. sz. 54° 47′ 38″, ny. h. 4° 24′ 50″54.793835°N 4.413968°W A Sorbie-i torony romjai
Threave-vár Lakótorony 14. század Romos Historic Scotland Castle Douglas mellett, é. sz. 54° 56′ 22″, ny. h. 3° 58′ 12″54.939378°N 3.969919°W
Tibber-vár Föld- és kővár 13. század Romos Magán Carronbridge, é. sz. 55° 15′ 53″, ny. h. 3° 47′ 33″55.264778°N 3.792406°W
Torthorwaldi vár Négyszögletes lakótorony 14. század Romos Magán Thorthorwald, é. sz. 55° 05′ 20″, ny. h. 3° 30′ 60″55.088777°N 3.516581°W
Dudhope Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Broughty Castle Tower house 15th century In use as a museum Dundee City Council Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Claypotts Castle Z-plan tower house 16th century Preserved Historic Scotland Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Dudhope Castle Extended tower house 15th century In use as offices Dundee City Council Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Mains Castle Courtyard castle 16th century Preserved Private Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Powrie Castle Z-plan tower house 16th century Ruined Private Sablon:Gbmappingsmall 17th century wing restored
Barr Castle, Galston.
Corsehill Castle
Dean Castle
Lainshaw Castle in 1779.[1]
A view of Aiket Castle in 2006.
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Aiket Castle Restored and used as a residence Private Near Dunlop See Barony of Aiket
Barr Castle Tower house 15th century In use as a Masonic Lodge with a museum Masonic Lodge Galston Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Also known as Lockhart Tower
Busbie Castle Tower house 14th century Scant remains Garden of residence Knockentiber Demolished in the 1950s. See Knockentiber
Caprington Castle Tower house 15th century Still in use as a residence Private Near Kilmarnock Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Extended to form a baronial house in the 1830s
Carnell Castle Tower house 15th century Still in use as a residence and hotel Private Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Extended to form a baronial house in 1843
Cessnock Castle Tower house 13th century Restored as a residence Private Galston Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Corsehill Castle Tower house Ruined Private Stewarton Sablon:Gbmappingsmall See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Craigie Castle Substantial remains Private Near Craigie village Home of the Wallaces who moved to Craigie in Ayr
Craufurdland Castle Tower house 14th century Still in use as a residence Private Near Kilmarnock Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Extended to form a gothic house in the 19th century
Dean Castle Courtyard Castle 14th century Restored as a museum East Ayrshire Council Kilmarnock Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Restored 1935-6
Dunlop Castle No remains Private Near Dunlop village See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Kilmaurs Castle No remains Private Near Jocksthorn Farm, Kilmaurs Replaced by later Kilmaurs Place
Kingencleuch Castle Near Mauchline
Lainshaw Castle Lainshaw House incorporates part of the old castle Private Stewarton See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Lochdoon Castle Ruined Historic Scotland
Loudoun Castle Substantial Ruins Near Galston In the grounds of a theme park
Mauchline Castle Still standing Private Mauchline town
Newmilns Tower Recently restored Newmilns
Ravenscraig Castle Ruined See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Riccarton Castle No remains A commemorative plaque is at the fire station
Robertland Castle The motte and a few stones remain. Robertland House was built from its remains. Private Near Stewarton See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Rowallan Castle Still standing Very private Near Kilmarnock In the grounds of a Golfing development.
Sorn Castle
Templehouse Fortalice No remains Stewarton See Corsehill, Lainshaw, Robertland and Dunlop
Terringzean Castle Substantial ruins Private Near Auchinleck In the grounds of Auchinleck House
Trabboch Castle
Craigend Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Bardowie Castle tower house 16th C restored private Bardowie Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Craigend Castle castellated mansion 1812 ruin Mugdock Country Park Milngavie Sablon:Gbmappingsmall built on old castle site[2]
Fa'side Castle
Hailes Castle
Redhouse Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Auldhame Castle tower house 16th C ruin Seacliff Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Ballencrieff Castle tower house 1507, 1586 restored private; next to pig farm Ballencrieff Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Barnes Castle uncompleted castle ruin Haddington
Extensive castle planned, but never completed above the vaults.[3]
The Bass curtain wall & keep 16th C ruin open for visitors (via boat trip) Bass Rock
later adapted for artillery; stone used to build lighthouse[4]
Black Castle site Cockburnspath
some remains existed until c.1800[5]
Dirleton Castle fortress 13th C partly ruined Historic Scotland Dirleton
Dunbar Castle ruin free access Dunbar
Fa'side Castle tower house (altered keep) keep: 15th C restored 1970s private; stud farm, B&B Tranent
also known as Fawside and Falside
Fenton Tower tower house 1587 restored luxury hotel, wedding venue North Berwick
Garleton Castle courtyard castle 16th C partially converted dwelling, with ruin private Haddington
Hailes Castle keep & ranges keep: 14th C ruin Historic Scotland; free access East Linton
ranges and towers 15th-16th C
Luffness Castle tower house 16th C altered private Aberlady
castle on site from 13th C
Preston Tower keep 15th C ruin NTS; free access (exterior view & garden & doocot) Prestonpans, next to Hamilton House
Two storeys added in 17th C. Currently in council-maintained grounds.[6]
Redhouse Castle courtyard castle 16th C ruin free access through market garden Longniddry
Saltoun Castle Elizabethan house 16th C occupied private Pencaitland
building incorporates remnants of 12th C castle[7]
Stoneypath Tower tower house 16th C restored Nunraw Abbey
Tantallon Castle courtyard castle 14th C ruin Historic Scotland, entrance fee North Berwick
Whittingehame keep 15th C occupied Balfour family; private East Linton
Yester Castle castle & keep 13th C ruin private Gifford
also known as the Goblin Ha'
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Caldwell Castle One inhabited tower remains Private Near Uplawmoor Recently restored
Mearns Castle Tower house 15th century Restored as a church Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Liberton Tower
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Craigmillar Castle keep & later ranges 14th C ruin Historic Scotland Sablon:Gbmappingsmall towers and curtain wall added 15th C; walled courtyard 16th C [8]
Craiglockhart Castle tower house 13th C ruin Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Craigcrook Castle tower house 16th C occupied private Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Dundas Castle keep 15th C ruin private Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Edinburgh Castle fortress 15th C complete Historic Scotland Edinburgh Sablon:Gbmappingsmall site of various castle since before 10th C[9]
Lauriston Castle tower house 16th C altered; occupied City of Edinburgh Council Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Liberton Tower tower house 17th C occupied private ownership; open by appt. Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Merchiston Castle keep 15th C altered Napier University Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Airth Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Airth Castle
Almond Castle
Blackness Castle Historic Scotland
Castle Cary Castle
Elphinstone Tower
Aberdour Castle
Balgonie Castle
Ravenscraig Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Aberdour Castle Historic Scotland
Arnot Tower
Balgonie Castle
Ballinbreich Castle
Balwearie Castle Ruin Nr Kirkcaldy
Collairnie Castle
Couston Castle
Culross Palace Historic Scotland
Dairsie Castle
Denmylne Castle
Dunimarle Castle Historic house 18th century Occupied Private Culross Sablon:Gbmappingsmall Earlier ruin in grounds
Earlshall Castle
Falkland Palace Historic House National Trust for Scotland
Fernie Castle
Fordell Castle
Halyards Palace Ruin
Kellie Castle National Trust for Scotland
Lochore Castle
Lordscairnie Castle
MacDuff Castle Ruin
Myres Castle
Newark Castle
Pittarthie Castle Ruin Nr Dunino
Piteadie Castle Ruin Nr Kinghorn
Pitreavie Castle
Ravenscraig Castle mid-15th century [10] Ruin Historic Scotland Kirkcaldy in the grounds of Ravenscraig Park
Rossend Castle
Rosyth Castle
Rumgally House
St Andrews Castle Ruin Historic Scotland
Scotstarvit Tower Historic Scotland
Wemyss Castle Historic House
Crookston Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Bishop's Castle, Glasgow
Cathcart Castle
Crookston Castle Historic Scotland
Haggs Castle
Partick Castle
Ackergill Tower
Cawdor Castle
Eilean Donan-i vár
Inverness Castle
Kinlochaline Castle
Mingarry Castle
Urquhart Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Achnacarry Castle
Ackergill Tower
Ardtornish Castle
Ardvreck Castle
Armadale Castle
Balnagown Castle
Beaufort Castle
Braal Castle
Brahan Castle
Brims Castle
Caisteal Maol
Carbisdale Castle
Castle Chanonry of Ross
Castle of Mey Historic House
Cawdor Castle Historic House
Castle Craig
Dalcross Castle
Dingwall Castle Ruins Dingwall
Dornoch Castle
Dounreay Castle See Dounreay
Dunbeath Castle
Dun Ringill
Dunrobin Castle Castle open
Dunscaith Castle
Duntulm Castle
Dunvegan Castle
Eilean Donan-i vár Dornie
Erchless Castle private ownership Struy
Foulis Castle
Glengarry Castle
Castle Grant
Invergarry Castle
Inverlochy Castle
Inverness Castle
Keiss Castle Ruin
Kilravock Castle
Kinloch Castle
Kinlochaline Castle
Knock Castle Ruin
Castle Leod
Lochindorb Castle
Milntown Castle
Mingarry Castle
Moniack Castle
Newmore Castle
Ormond Castle Also known as Avoch Castle
Rait Castle
Red Castle
Scrabster Castle
Sinclair & Girnigoe Castle
Skibo Castle
Strome Castle National Trust for Scotland
Castle Stuart
Teaninich Castle
Castle Tioram
Tor Castle
Tulloch Castle
Urquhart Castle Historic Scotland
Newark Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Ardgowan Tower Ruin
Castle Levan 14th C. Restored
Castle Wemyss Historic House c.1850 Demolished
Duchal Castle Ruin
Dunrod Castle See Inverkip
Easter Greenock Castle 16th C. No remains
Newark Castle 1478 Historic Scotland
Borthwick Castle
Dalhousie Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Borthwick Castle tower house 1430 complete private hotel Gorebridge Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Crichton Castle courtyard castle 14th C ruin Historic Scotland Gorebridge Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Dalhousie Castle tower house 16th C altered private hotel Dalhousie Sablon:Gbmappingsmall incororates remains of 13th C castle[11]
Dalkeith Castle mansion 18th C complete private ownership; ground open regularly Dalkeith Sablon:Gbmappingsmall incorporates remains of 12th C castle[12]
Hawthornden Castle tower house 17th C complete private Loanhead Sablon:Gbmappingsmall inorporates ruined 15th C keep[13]
Melville Castle castellated mansion 18th C restored private hotel Dalkeith Sablon:Gbmappingsmall built on site of earlier castle[14]
Newbattle Castle fortified house 17th C altered College of Education Dalkeith Sablon:Gbmappingsmall also known as Newbattle Abbey; incorporates remains of abbey
Roslin Castle keep & ranges 14th C partly complete Earl of Rosslyn; Landmark Trust- managed holiday accommodation Roslin Sablon:Gbmappingsmall ranges date from 15th-16th C[15]
Brodie Castle
David's Tower, Spynie Palace
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Aikenway Castle Ruined
Asliesk Castle Ruined
Auchindoun Castle, Dufftown Ruined
Ballindalloch Castle Historic House 1546 Private
Balvenie Castle, Dufftown Ruined
Blairfindy Castle Ruined
Blervie Castle Ruined
Brodie Castle fortified house complete National Trust for Scotland Open to public
Burgie Castle Ruined
Coxton Tower Ruined
Craigneach Castle No remains
Cullen Castle Ruined
Darnaway Castle Historic house
Deskie Castle No remains
Deskford Tower Ruined
Drumin Castle Ruined
Duffus Castle Ruined Historic Scotland Open to public. Free entry
Dunphail Castle Ruined
Elgin Castle Ruined
Earnside Castle No remains
Findochty Castle Ruined
Forres Castle No remains
Gauldwell Castle Historic house Ruined
Gordon Castle Historic house Private
Hempriggs Castle No remains
Inverugie Castle No remains
Kilbuaick Castle No remains
Kininvie Castle Private
Kinneddar Castle No remains
Pitlurg Castle Ruined
Rothes Castle Ruined
Rothiemay Castle Ruined
Spynie Palace Ruined Historic Scotland Open to public. Entry fee
Skeith Castle No remains
Castle Stripe Ruined
Tor Castle, Dallas Ruined
Tronach Castle No remains
Quarrelwood Castle No remains
Brodick Castle
Fairlie Castle
Lochranza Castle
Portencross Castle in 1900.
Kilbirnie Place
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Ailsa Craig Castle Tower Ruin Private Off Girvan
Ardrossan Castle Ruin Ardrossan Accessible to the public
Auchenharvie Castle Ruin Private Near Torranyard A dangerous site
Broadstone Castle No remains Private Beith Demolished in 1850 to build the nearby farm.
Brodick Castle Historic House National Trust for Scotland Isle of Arran
Clonbeith Castle Ruin Private farm Near Auchentiber See Chapeltoun
Cunninghamhead Castle No remains Private Near Irvine
Eglinton Castle Ruin North Ayrshire Council Irvine Now Eglinton Country Park
Fairlie Castle Tower 15th C Ruin Private Fairlie
Giffen castle No remains Private Near Barrmill Parts of it are incorporated into Barrmill Mill.
Glengarnock Castle Tower Ruin Private Kilbirnie
Hessilhead Castle Scant remains Private Near Lugton A Wildlife Rescue Centre occupies part of the old estate
Kelburn Castle Castle open
Kerelaw Castle Ruin North Ayrshire Council Saltcoats Fenced off - dangerous
Kilbirnie Place Ruin
Kildonan Castle
Law Castle
Lochranza Castle Historic Scotland Lochranza Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Montgreenan Castle Ruin Private Near Kilwinning Montgreenan House is a hotel. Also known as the 'Bishop's Palace'
Portencross Castle
Skelmorlie Castle
Stanecastle Substantial ruin North Ayrshire Council Stanecastle, Irvine Accessible and well maintained
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Bedlay Castle Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Dalzell House
Balfour Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Balfour Castle
The Bishop's Palace Ruin Historic Scotland
Earls Palace Birsay Historic Scotland
Earl's Palace, Kirkwall Ruin Historic Scotland
Kirkwall Castle
Noltland Castle
Balhousie Castle
Balvaird Castle
Elcho Castle
Huntingtower Castle
Taymouth Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Ardblair Castle
Ashintully Castle
Balhousie Castle
Balvaird Castle Historic Scotland
Blackcraig Castle
Burleigh Castle Historic Scotland
Castle Huntly (HM Prison)
Craighall Castle
Dalnagar Castle
Drummond Castle
Dupplin Castle
Elcho Castle Tower house Historic Scotland
Finlarig Castle
Forter Castle
Huntingtower Castle Historic Scotland
Kinfauns Castle
Kinnaird Castle, Kinnaird
Lethendy Tower
Loch Leven Castle Ruin Historic Scotland
Meggernie Castle
Megginch Castle
Castle Menzies
Methven Castle
Murthly Castle
Newton Castle
Taymouth Castle
Tullibole Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Barr Castle
Blackhall Manor
Belltrees Peel
Castle Semple
Cochrane Castle
Erskine Castle
Gryffe Castle
Hawkhead Castle
Houston Castle
Inch Castle
Inchinnan Castle
Johnstone Castle
Ranfurly Castle Ruin Bridge of Weir
Renfrew Castle
Stanely Castle
Greenknowe Tower
Hermitage Castle
Smailholm Tower
Thirlestane Castle
Wedderburn Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Branxholme Castle Tower house
Cessford Castle
Cranshaws Tower
Dryhope Tower
Duns Castle
Edrington Castle
Fast Castle courtyard castle ruin Hall family
open: free
Fatlips Castle
Ferniehirst Castle
Floors Castle house 1721 occupied Duke of Roxburghe Kelso ruins of Roxburgh castle in the grounds
Fulton Tower
Greenknowe Tower
Hume Castle Greenlaw
Hermitage Castle keep ruin Historic Scotland Newcastleton
Jedburgh Castle demolished 1409 Jedburgh
Kirkhope Tower
Mervinslaw Pele pele tower ruin
Neidpath Castle keep 14th C private ownership; open regularly Peebles NT236405 Extensively remodelled in 16th C[16]
Newark Castle
Nisbet House House 1630 Restoration Private Duns West Tower added 1774
Roxburgh Castle
Smailholm Tower Historic Scotland
Thirlestane Castle
Traquair House fortified house occupied private ownership; open regularly
Wedderburn Castle
Whitslaid Tower
Muness Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Muness Castle tower house 1598 ruin Historic Scotland, free site Unst Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
Scalloway Castle tower house 1600 ruin Historic Scotland, free site Scalloway Sablon:Gbmappingsmall
A view from the South-East of Auchans Castle
The keep of Craigie Castle
Ruins of Crosbie Castle, Troon.

Dunure Castle
Dunure and the castle in 1840.
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Auchans Castle Tower House 17th century Ruin Private Dundonald
Baltersan Castle
Barr Castle Lodge St Peter 331 Galston
Blairquhan Castle
Craigie Castle Keep 13th Century Ruin Craigie One time home of the Wallace family
Crosbie Castle Keep 14th Century Ruin South Ayrshire Council Troon Demolished by the Fullarton of Fullarton family and made into an ice house
Culzean Castle Historic House National Trust for Scotland
Dundonald Castle Historic Scotland
Dunure Castle Keep 15th Century Ruin Marquis of Ailsa Dunure
Glenapp Castle
Greenan Castle
Penkill Castle
Sundrum Castle
Thomaston Castle
Turnberry Castle
Tower of Hallbar
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Bothwell Castle Ruin Historic Scotland
Cadzow Castle Ruin Historic Scotland
Craignethan Castle Ruin Historic Scotland
Crawford Castle Ruin Also known as Lindsay Tower
Douglas Castle Ruin Also known as Castle Dangerous
Gilbertfield Castle Ruin
Tower of Hallbar
Lee Castle Historic House
Rutherglen Castle No Remains
Strathaven Castle Ruin
Stirling Castle.
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Buchanan Castle Ruin
Craigend Castle Ruin
Culcreuch Castle
Doune Castle
Edinample Castle
Mugdock Castle Ruin
Plane Tower
Stirling Castle
Dumbarton Castle, "Fortress of the Britons".
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Dumbarton Castle Garrison Fortress [17] 17-18th C [17] Dumbarton
The site was the centre of the Kingdom of Strathclyde. Open to public, admission fee.[17]
Dunglass Castle Ruin
Balloch Castle 1809 [18] Glasgow
Ruins of the original medieval castle still remain.[18]
The House of the Binns
Name Type Date Condition Ownership location Notes
Duntarvie Castle tower house 16th century undergoing restoration private South Queensferry
House of the Binns castellated house 17th century complete National Trust for Scotland Blackness
Stands on the site of an earlier castle [19]
Linlithgow Palace courtyard palace 15th century ruin Historic Scotland Linlithgow Sablon:Gbmappingsmall built on site of 12th century castle[20]
Midhope Castle tower house 16th century disused private Abercorn
Niddry Castle tower house 15th century restored & occupied private Winchburgh

Western Isles (na h-Eileanan Siar)

Kisimul Castle
Lews Castle
Name Type Date Condition Ownership Location Notes
Amhuinnsuidhe Castle Historic house Amhuinnsuidhe Castle Estate Harris
Ardvourlie Castle
Kisimul Castle restored Clan MacNeil and Historic Scotland Castlebay, Barra
Open to public, admission fee.[21]
Lews Castle Historic house 19th C [22] Comhairle nan Eilean Siar Stornoway, Lewis
The castle is a Category A listed building.[23]
Ormacleit Castle Historical House Early 18th Century Ruined Burned in 1715
  1. Ainslie, John (1779), Lainshaw Estate Map.
  2. Coventry, p. 153
  3. Coventry, p. 79
  4. Coventry, p. 82
  5. Coventry, p. 89
  6. Coventry, p. 356
  7. Coventry, p. 372
  8. Coventry p. 155
  9. Coventry, p. 202
  10. Kirkcaldy Civic Society. Kirkcaldy: A History and Celebration. The Francis Firth Collection (2005). ISBN 101845677498 
  11. Coventry, p. 165
  12. Coventry, p. 166
  13. Coventry, p. 244
  14. Coventry, p. 316
  15. Coventry, p. 367
  16. Coventry, p. 329
  17. a b c Dumbarton Castle. Historic Scotland ( (Hozzáférés: 2008. május 16.)
  18. a b Balloch Castle. Historic Scotland ( (Hozzáférés: 2008. május 16.)
  19. Coventry, p. 392
  20. Coventry, p. 295
  21. Kisimul Castle. Historic Scotland ( (Hozzáférés: 2008. május 16.)
  22. Lews Castle and Lady Lever Park. Historic Scotland ( (Hozzáférés: 2008. május 16.)
  23. LEWS CASTLE. Historic Scotland. (Hozzáférés: 2008. május 16.)