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Afflicted States and statuses are a variety of non-elemental status effects in Horizon Forbidden West. Many of these typically only affect Aloy and sometimes other humans.

List of States[]

Adhesive-Icon Adhesive[]

When applied, it will stagger machines and they enter the Slowed state. This reduces their movement speed and prevents them jumping, sprinting, or charging, and instantly grounds any flying machine. This will also disable certain attacks that rely on fast movements. Machines also cannot swim underwater and will be forced to surface; the same applies to those capable of burrowing underground.

Against Aloy, this effect lasts for 12 seconds and hinders her mobility and prevents her from jumping. Performing dodge rolls will cause her to stumble. Other humans in this state also suffer from slower movement and the inability to run or dodge. Humans capable of using acrobatic attacks will have this ability disabled during the duration.

Machine Size Duration
Small 20 seconds
Medium 25 seconds
Large 25 seconds

Berserk-icon Berserk[]

Acting similar to Corruption from Horizon Zero Dawn, this status frenzies any human or machine afflicted by it and will attack the nearest target. Machines affected by it will have red wires running from their neck. This effect lasts for 30 seconds.

Black Sludge[]

A status that causes Consumables Blocked, Damage Dampened, and Stamina Drain when affected. Can be inflicted by Specter Prime.


Causes visibility impairment for 6 seconds and prevents Aloy from sprinting. Inflicted by Redeye Watchers, Clamberjaws without scanners, and Dreadwings. This effect also existed in Horizon Zero Dawn.

Crushed Crushed[]

This can be caused by receiving certain heavy attacks from bigger machines. Under this state, the first 3 seconds reduce Aloy's movement and prevents her from sprinting or aiming weapons. For the next 35 seconds, taking any of the following actions as noted in the table below will deal damage to her.

Action Damage to Aloy
Melee Attack 12 per attack
Sprinting 12 per second
Sliding 9 per second
Jumping 20 per jump
Dodging 12 per dodge

Consumables Blocked Consumables Blocked[]

Prevents Aloy from using any potions or food. Can be inflicted by Clamberjaws, Dreadwings, and Leaplashers with Noxious Pods.


Afflicted when Aloy detonates a Smoke bomb near a human or a machine. During this state, enemies are staggered and will lose track of Aloy, though them taking any new damage from her will immediately remove this state.

Damage Amplified Damage Amplified[]

Increases a machine's damage output by 25%, with duration differing between their size. Has no effect on Aloy. Dreadwings can only use it for themselves, while Tremortusks and Spikesnouts can use it to buff themselves or other machines. Human heavy ranged and melee weapon users have a variation of this status which triggers when they fall to 50% HP or below and lasts for 25 seconds.

Machine Size Duration
Small 20 seconds
Medium 30 seconds
Large 40 seconds

Damage Dampened Damage Dampened[]

Reduces Aloy's damage output by 30% for 25 seconds. Other humans are immune to the debuff effect, but will instead be staggered, and machines are immune to the effect. Can be inflicted by the Dreadwing and the Spikesnout.


Prevents Aloy and other humans from attacking, moving, and using evasive abilities (excluding dodge rolls) for 2 seconds. Caused by machines that use sonic attacks (Burrowers, Longlegs, Slitherfangs) or have deafening roars (Clamberjaws, Clawstriders, Shellsnappers, Slaughterspines, Tremortusks, Waterwings). This also existed in Horizon Zero Dawn, but the effect lasted for 1.5 seconds.

Focus Scrambled Focus Scrambled[]

Prevents use of the Focus for 35 seconds. Can be inflicted by radar pulses from Dreadwings, Leaplashers with Radar Pods, Scrappers, Thunderjaws, and humans with Radar backpacks.

Stamina Drain Stamina Drain[]

Drains Aloy's Weapon Stamina at a rate of 10 stamina per second over 25 seconds (draining 250 total Stamina) and prevents stamina from regenerating, limiting her ability to use Weapon Techniques. Can be inflicted by Dreadwings and Spikesnouts.


Reduces Aloy's movement to walking speed for 1.5 seconds while other humans are staggered in the area of effect. Can be inflicted by any medium or large size machine using an attack that hits the ground in a wide radius (e.g., Thunderjaw Foot Stomp).

Tracked Tracked[]

Reveals Aloy's position to all nearby enemies for 35 seconds, making stealth play impossible. Can be inflicted by Skydrifters and Tracker Burrowers.
