The daily reset occurs at 04:00 (4 AM), based on the time zone used by the player's server. The weekly reset occurs each Monday, also at 04:00 (4 AM).
Server Reset | ||
Daily Reset | Weekly Reset | Time Zone |
(NA) | (Asia)
(NA) | Asia: GMT+8 Europe: GMT+1 America: GMT-5 |
Daily Reset[]
On daily reset, the player will receive:
- A new Daily Mission.
- Refreshed Daily Training tasks.
Stellar Jade ×90 from the Express Supply Pass if purchased.
Other things also affected by daily reset:
Most Shops refresh their stock at the daily reset every day, or every several days; this reset varies from vendor to vendor.
Weekly Reset[]
Affected by the weekly reset:
- Simulated Universe point rewards are reset.
- Echo of War challenge opportunities reset.
- Weekly Nameless Honor missions are renewed.
- Weekly limits on Omni-Synthesizer Material Exchanges are reset.