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The Scorpio Directive is an Escalation Contract in the World of Tomorrow mission, released on May 19th, 2016.


Level 1[]

Icon-Target Target Edmondo Giordano
Edmondo Giordano
Method-icon-2021 Method Any Method
Any Method
Icon-Disguise Disguise Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant Outfit - Sapienza


The following information may contain spoilers.

The target is Edmondo Giordano, a kitchen assistant in the basement of the ice cream shop. He periodically goes outside into the alley for a smoke break.

You can easily kill the target within the basement or even during his smoke break so long as no-one is passing by and his body can be hidden in one of the many freezers and lockers in the basement using the town hall key found on Giordano or the lockpick on the door Giordano uses. You can start the mission in a Kitchen Assistant disguise, but it is easier to just pacify Giordano and take his clothes before killing him.

Level 2[]

Icon-Target Target Edmondo Giordano
Edmondo Giordano
Method-icon-2021 Method Any Method
Any Method
Icon-Disguise Disguise Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant Outfit - Sapienza
Icon-Complication Complication
Body Remover Complication
Body Remover
Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds, or you will fail the mission.


The following information may contain spoilers.

Due to the multiple freezers and lockers in the basement, this shouldn't change the contract.

Level 3[]

Icon-Target Target Edmondo Giordano
Edmondo Giordano
Method-icon-2021 Method Any Method
Any Method
Icon-Disguise Disguise Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant Outfit - Sapienza
Icon-Complication Complication
Body Remover Complication
Body Remover
Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds, or you will fail the mission.
No Pacifications Complication
No Pacifications
Pacify anyone, and you will fail the mission.


The following information may contain spoilers.

The complication prevents you from pacifying Giordano first in order to get his disguise. Instead, you can either start undercover in the Mansion Kitchen (Mastery Level 7), or take Rocco's Kitchen Assistant disguise from his apartment next to the ICA Safe House.

Level 4[]

Icon-Target Target Edmondo Giordano
Edmondo Giordano
Jack Please
Jack Please
Method-icon-2021 Method Any Method
Any Method
Icon-Disguise Disguise Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant Outfit - Sapienza
Any Disguise
Any Disguise
Icon-Complication Complication
Body Remover Complication
Body Remover
Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds, or you will fail the mission.
No Pacifications Complication
No Pacifications
Pacify anyone, and you will fail the mission.
The following information may contain spoilers.

The new target is Jack Please, a waiter at the ice cream shop. He cleans the outside tables, and sometimes goes to the back of the shop for a smoke break.

You can lure him into the basement once you've eliminated Giordano by causing the sink next to the door that leads outside to overflow, which will make him come inside to turn it off and clean up the spill, at which point you can take him out and hide his body.

Level 5[]

Icon-Target Target Edmondo Giordano
Edmondo Giordano
Jack Please
Jack Please
Method-icon-2021 Method Any Method
Any Method
Icon-Disguise Disguise Kitchen Assistant
Kitchen Assistant Outfit - Sapienza
Any Disguise
Any Disguise
Icon-Complication Complication
Body Remover Complication
Body Remover
Hide all dead bodies within 90 seconds, or you will fail the mission.
No Pacifications Complication
No Pacifications
Pacify anyone, and you will fail the mission.
Scorpio Extreme Security Complication
Extreme Security
Deadly laser-tripwires have been added throughout Sapienza. Find and equip the disarm device to bypass the lasers.


The following information may contain spoilers.

This complication adds lasers to a few doorways in the Town Hall building and a couple around the mansion kitchen. The disarm device is found in a safe in Villa Caruso's Level 6 security room. This safe doesn't have an associated key, so you need to pick it, jimmy it open with a crowbar or blow it up to open the safe. However, you do not need the device. The lasers only block two doors to the Town Hall. You can still enter via the Ice Cream Shop itself (but look out for the chef, who is an enforcer of the Kitchen Assistant disguise) or climbing the pipe by where Giordano has his smoke break and vaulting through either available window-pane, or entering the door at the bottom of the clock-tower when another kitchen assistant opens it for a smoke break. Please can still be lured into the basement with the overflowing sink, as the lasers only affect 47.


Type Key: F="Feats"
Name Type Description Reward
The Scorpio Directive
Complete all levels in this Escalation contract. +5000 Mission Mastery
Escalation Contracts
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Sapienza The Andersen Animosity - The Apeiron Sadness - The Eccleston Illumination - The Gladwyn Simulacrum - The Hamartia Compulsion - The Lyndon Gyration - The Scarlatti Covenant - The Scorpio Directive - The Selmone Mimesis - The Sigma Illusion - The Szilassi Darkness - The Zunino Disintegration
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Marrakesh (A House Built on Sand) The Ataro Caliginosity - The Cheveyo Calibration
Bangkok The Arthin Occultation - The Asya Attunement - The Caden Composition - The Somsak Equation
Colorado The Farley Crescendo - The Mallory Misfortune - The Otaktay Obliteration
Hokkaido The Dexter Discordance - The Meiko Incarnation - The Susumu Obsession - The Yuuma Tenacity
Hawke's Bay The Mills Reverie
Miami The Aquatic Retribution - The BigMooney Flamboyancy - The Riviera Restoration - The Simmons Concussion - The Sweeney Scrupulousness - The Treasonous Mimicry - The Unpalatable Termination
Santa Fortuna The Calvino Cacophony - The Delgado Larceny - The MacMillan Surreptition - The Merle Revelation - The Montague Audacity - The Truman Contravention - The Turms Infatuation
Mumbai The Chameleon Anonymity - The Divine Descendance - The Dubious Cohabitation - The Han Encasement - The Hirani Evacuation - The Raaz Algorithm
Whittleton Creek The Batty Tranquility - The Covert Dispersal - The McCallister Ransack - The Nolan Disinfection - The O'Leary Conflagration
Isle of Sgàil The Aelwin Augment - The Babayeva Dissonance - The Marinello Motivation - The Quimby Quandary - The Rafael Misadventure - The Scarlett Deceit
New York The Dalton Dissection
Haven Island The Bartholomew Hornswoggle
Dubai The Asmodeus Waltz - The Greed Enumeration - The Phoenix Ascension - The Sebastian Principle - The Sinbad Stringent
Dartmoor The Baskerville Barney - The Dartmoor Garden Show - The Percival Passage - The Sloth Depletion - The Wrath Termination
Berlin Berlin Egg Hunt - The Halliwell Fable - The Lesley Celebration - The Lust Assignation - The Satu Mare Delirium
Chongqing The Gluttony Gobble - The Jinzhen Incident - The Lee Hong Derivation - The Pride Profusion
Mendoza The Envy Contention - The Gauchito Antiquity - The Pasquel Consortium
Carpathian Mountains The Proloff Parable