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Quote1 I bet this isn't going to look too good on the evening news. Quote2
—Strong Guy

Appearing in "Politically Incorrect"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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  • X-Factor's Car

Synopsis for "Politically Incorrect"

Atop the Washington Monument, a hulking villain waits to battle Strong Guy. At Guido’s mansion, Havok wakes up to find Wolfsbane perched at the foot of his bed. He tries to talk about it with her, but she runs out of the room. The next morning, he tells Polaris, and she says she will discuss it with Wolfsbane. Meanwhile, U.S. Senator Steven Shaffran, the man manipulating X-Factor, meets with a shadowy ally then has breakfast with his family. X-Factor gathers at their headquarters when Val’s ex-husband, a polygrapher, arrives. As he sets up to test the Multiple Men, Val’s assistant informs her of a hostage situation at the Washington Monument, and the team goes to investigate. Upon seeing Strong Guy, the hostage taker jumps off the Monument and lands in front of them. Calling himself Slab, he says he will detonate a bomb unless Strong Guy fights him. While Guido takes him on, Havok sends Quicksilver to find the bomb, but Pietro soon collapses. At X-Factor headquarters, the polygrapher confirms the Multiple Man who joined X-Factor is the impostor, and the other one is freed. As he and Slab fight, Strong Guy explains how his body absorbs kinetic energy, such as from punches, and channels it into superhuman strength. Slab dodges his punch, and he accidentally strikes the Monument instead, causing it to collapse. Afterward, Sen. Shaffran arrives, introduces himself, and demands X-Factor’s arrest.


  • This issue is reprinted in:
    • X-Factor Visionaries: Peter David vol. 1 trade paperback (2006);
    • X-Factor Epic Collection vol. 7: All-New, All-Different X-Factor trade paperback (2019);
    • X-Factor by Peter David Omnibus hardcover (2021).


  • Rahne mentions she's been experimenting to get as close to human as possible. This is because, ever since New Mutants #97, she had been trapped in her wolf-hybrid forms. She wouldn't be cured of this condition until X-Factor #99.
  • The Coconut Grove adventure mentioned by Madrox took place in the pages of Fallen Angels.
  • Valerie Cooper's ex-husband is polygrapher Edmond Atkinson. As revealed in the next issue, the Atkinson seen in this story is actually Mr. Sinister in disguise. The real Edmond Atkinson is later introduced in X-Factor #137.
  • Cooper's assistant Baldrick is named after a character in the 1980s British television comedy Blackadder.

See Also

Links and References

