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Appearing in "The Menace of Superman's Pet"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • The Wreckers

Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Menace of Superman's Pet"

While out in space, Superman deflects a meteor that is about to strike the Earth before returning to Earth to help Batman and Robin stop a group of crooks known as the Wreckers. However when he meets up with them he finds that he has brought with him an unknown hitchhiker, a cute little creature that also has super strength and can flies. The creature becomes instantly attached to Superman and begins following them on their mission to stop the Wreckers. Despite their best efforts to stop the gang from stealing musical instruments. After which, Superman finds that he cannot get rid of the creature.

However, when he hears a whistle summoning him to Metropolis to help build a new underground tunnel he speeds off fast enough so that the creature can't follow him. The instant Superman is out of sight, the creature grows to gigantic size and begins to rampage, forcing Superman to return to the creature it returns to it's natural form.

When the Wreckers attack a chemical plant, Superman tries to lose the creature by making a giant underground maze, but when he tries to help Batman and Robin capture the Wreckers, the creature returns to the surface in it's giant form and the Man of Steel is forced to leave the chase to calm the creature down again, allowing for the Wreckers to get away again.

Superman has no choice but to try and find the creatures home world and flies off into space with it, leaving Batman and Robin to tackle the Wreckers alone. They manage to capture the crooks and prevent them from robbing a gem store. Superman meanwhile finds his own trouble when he flies too close to a Kryptonite meteor and is weakened to the point where he can't escape. To his surprise, the troublesome creature sacrifices its life to absorb the Krytponite radiation from the meteor, saving Superman at the expense of its own life.

Returning to Earth, Superman tells Batman and Robin what happened, and they remark that although the creature was nothing but trouble it was still a loyal pet to Superman.

Appearing in "The Spy in the Arrow Cave"

Supporting Characters:


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Synopsis for "The Spy in the Arrow Cave"

Returning to the Arrow Cave, Green Arrow and Speedy find that their secret base has been found by criminal Flint Morgan. Morgan cuts them a deal, leave him along and let him stay in the Arrow Cave, and he won't bother their crime busting endeavors.

However, the greedy Morgan decides to sell information pertaining to Green Arrow's patrol routes. However when the purchaser of that information attempts to assassinate Speedy, who is injured, Morgan takes the bullet for the boy, sacrificing his life.

Appearing in "The Planeteer Bandit"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "The Planeteer Bandit"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References

