Appearing in "Key to the Future"
Featured Characters:
- X-Men
- Angel (Warren Worthington III)
- Beast (Hank McCoy)
- Chamber (Jono Starsmore)
- Doop
- Frenzy (Joanna Gargill)
- Gambit (Remy LeBeau)
- Iceman (Bobby Drake)
- Karma (Xi'an Coy Manh)
- Krakoa
- Lockheed
- Marvel Girl (Rachel Grey)
- Northstar (Jean-Paul Beaubier)
- Rogue (Anna Marie)
- Shadowcat (Kitty Pryde)
- Storm (Ororo Munroe)
- Toad (Mortimer Toynbee)
- Warbird (Ava'Dara Naganandini)
- Wolverine (Logan)
- Students
- Anole (Victor Borkowski)
- Armor (Hisako Ichiki)
- Beast (Hank McCoy) (Past)
- Blindfold (Ruth Aldine)
- Bling! (Roxy Washington)
- Broo
- Cipher (Alisa Tager)
- Crosta
- Cyclops (Scott Summers) (Past)
- Dust (Sooraya Qadir)
- Ernst
- Eye Boy (Trevor Hawkins)
- Face
- Genesis (Evan Sabahnur)
- Gentle (Nezhno Abidemi)
- Graymalkin (Jonas Graymalkin)
- Hellion (Julian Keller)
- Iceman (Bobby Drake) (Past)
- Indra (Paras Gavaskar)
- Kid Omega (Quentin Quire)
- Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) (Past)
- Match (Ben Hamill)
- Mercury (Cessily Kincaid)
- No-Girl (Martha Johansson)
- Oya (Idie Okonkwo) (Leaves Team)
- Pixie (Megan Gwynn)
- Primal (Teon Macik)
- Rockslide (Santo Vaccarro)
- Shark Girl (Iara Dos Santos)
- Sprite (Jia Jing)
- Surge (Nori Ashida)
- Trance (Hope Abbott)
- Transonic (Laurie Tromette)
- Velocidad (Gabriel Cohuelo)
- Students
Supporting Characters:
- Hellfire Academy
- Kade Kilgore
- The Philistine
- Dog Logan (Joins Team)
- Oya (Idie Okonkwo) (Joins Team)
- Future Dog Logan (Death)
Other Characters:
- Bamfs
- X-Men (25 Years Later) (First appearance)
- Professor Logan (First appearance)
- Eye-Man (Trevor Hawkins) (First appearance)
- Sasquatch (Walter Langkowski) (First appearance)
- Professor Xorn (First appearance) (Voice Only)[1]
- Iceman (Bobby Drake) (First appearance) (In a photograph only)
- Kitty Pryde (First appearance) (In a photograph only)
- No-Girl (Martha Johansson) (First appearance) (In a photograph only)
- Bamfs (First appearance)
- Widget (First appearance)
- Thunderbird (First appearance) (Voice Only)
- Phoenix (Mentioned)[2]
- Students
- Carmen Drake (First appearance)
- Rose Logan (Mentioned)
- Charlene Xavier (Mentioned)
- Summer Grey (Mentioned)
- Warren Worthington IV (Mentioned)
- Kubrick Quire (Mentioned)
- She-Sentinel 17 (First appearance)
- Barry the Wendigo (First appearance)
- C'vrrrk Bludskuul of the Brood (First appearance)
- Original class (Mentioned)
- X-Men High Command (Mentioned)
- Anole Industries (Mentioned)
- Time Variance Authority (Mentioned)
- Interstellar Committee on Superhuman Arms Control (Mentioned)
- Bureau of Mass Destruction (Mentioned)
- X-Force (Mentioned)
- Shark Woman (Mentioned)
- Majestrix Ava'vadara (Mentioned)
- All-Father Thor (Mentioned)
- Moloids (Mentioned)
- Captain China (Mentioned)
- Worthington Industries
- Archangel Bots (Destroyed)
- Krakoa Corps (Mentioned)
- Hellfire Unlimited (Mentioned)
- Church of Cyttorak (Mentioned)
- Frankenstein, Inc. (First appearance)
- Science Vampires (First appearance)
- Sentinels (Inert)
- Pirates (Mentioned)
- Azazel (Mentioned)
- Black Order (Mentioned)
- Butcheress Mondo (Mentioned)
- Sabretooth (Mentioned)
- The New Brotherhood (presumably mentioned)
- Apocalypse's Crusade (Mentioned)
- Jean Grey (Mentioned)[3]
- New York State
- Earth-13729 (First appearance)
- Earth
- Westchester County
- New Beijing (Mentioned)
- Wakanda Sky City 5 (Mentioned)
- Sea Francisco (Mentioned)
- Savage Land (Mentioned)
- Subterranea (Mentioned)
- Latveria (Mentioned)
- Arizona Bay (Mentioned)
- Hidden Akkaba City (Mentioned)
- Moon (Mentioned)
- Blue Area of the Moon (Mentioned)
- Anole Industries Prototype Colony (Mentioned)
- Blue Area of the Moon (Mentioned)
- Earth Orbit
- Sky Station X
- Cranial Section Zeta
- Sky Station X
- Earth
- Days of Future Nothing (Mentioned)
Synopsis for "Key to the Future"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
• See the Jean Grey School of the future!
• The students of JGS put a time-capsule together that you can follow into the future and see what happened to all your favorite X-Men.Trivia
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ Possibly Jean Grey
- ↑ Possibly Rachel or Jean Grey, or Quentin Quire.
- ↑ Seemingly the past and/or the "future past" Jeans