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Appearing in "Flashback part 1"

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Synopsis for "Flashback part 1"

On a California beach, Dane tries to convince a testy Backlash to exchange himself for a captive Mother-One.  Backlash refuses, saying he has a much larger threat to deal with, and leaves.  Next, Pilgrim finds John Lynch having dinner with Gen 13 in a New York pizzeria, and he agrees to come with her.  Once outside, she knocks him out, and Grail loads him into a van.  They board a plane with Dane and Jester, and Dane reflects on his and Lynch’s time in Team 7.  Back in New York, Alicia Turner finds Grifter in a restaurant and attacks him.  He realizes she is possessed by his enemy Tanager and chases her on his motorcycle.  Aboard the plane, a heavily altered Mother-One appears, also possessed by Tanager, and attacks the team.  Having found Grifter, Tanager says they no longer need Lynch or Wetworks.  Grifter follows the possessed Turner to a secret base in the Catskill Mountains.  Inside, Tanager threatens to kill Turner unless Grifter surrenders.  Meanwhile, Dane has Wetworks blow up the plane, and he falls to the ground telekinetically shielding himself and Lynch.  Upon landing, Dane explains to Lynch that Tanager held Mother-One for ransom, demanding the surviving members of Team 7 in exchange for her life. He and Lynch psionically track Tanager to the secret base.  Inside, Grifter battles Tanager and realizes who they really are.  Dane and Lynch hear him scream and run inside.  Still possessing Turner, Tanager psionically blasts them and possesses Grifter.

See Also

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