You're mean. Barry Allen isn't mean. He might be quiet, or distant, or awkward. But he's never mean. Here's a Flash Fact... you're not my grandpa!
- —Impulse
Appearing in "Finish Line, Part One"
Featured Characters:
- The Flash (Barry Allen) Body Possessed (Also in a vision) Also as spirit
Supporting Characters:
- Flash Family
- The Flash (Avery Ho)
- The Flash (Jay Garrick) (Cameo)
- Jesse Quick
- Johnny Quick Real name revealed (deceased) (Appears in flashback and main story) (Cameo)
- Impulse/The Flash (Bart Allen) (Flashback and main story) (Also in a vision)
- Iris West
- Kid Flash (Wallace West)
- Max Mercury Real name revealed (First full appearance)
- Legion of Zoom
- Captain Cold Past
- Golden Glider Past
- Gorilla Grodd Past
- Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne) (Also in a vision)
- Tornado Twins (Bart Allen's Future)
- Trickster (James Jesse) Past
- Turtle Past
Other Characters:
- Central City Police Department
- Detective Burns
- Detective Morrow
- Young Justice
- Daniel "Danny" West (Mentioned)
- Johnny Quick (Pre-Flashpoint) (Mentioned)
- Max Mercury (Pre-Flashpoint) (Mentioned)
- Rudy West (Mentioned)
- Wally West (Mentioned)
- Wally West (Pre-Flashpoint) (Mentioned)
- William West (Mentioned)
- Earth 0/Prime Earth
- 21st Century
- United States of America (Also in a vision)
- Missouri
- Central City
- Central City Bank
- Legion of Zoom's Headquarters
- Central City
- Nebraska
- Blue Valley
- West Family's House
- Blue Valley
- New Mexico
- Kansas
- Keystone City
- Iron Heights (Mentioned)
- Keystone City
- Missouri
- United States of America (Also in a vision)
- 21st Century
- Negative Speed Force (Behind the scenes)
- Speed Force
- The Starting Line (Unnamed) (First full appearance)
- Bart Allen's Future (Unnamed) (Mentioned)
- 30th Century (Mentioned)
- New Earth (Mentioned)
- Captain Cold's Cold Gun
- Hermes' Helmet (Cameo)
- Power Battery Pack (Cameo)
- Trickster's Anti-Gravity Boots
- Jinny Hex's Truck
- Flash Facts
- The Flashpoint (Mentioned)
- Speed Thinking
- Time Travel
Synopsis for "Finish Line, Part One"
- Synopsis not yet written