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Appearing in "The Secret Identity of Superman!"

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Synopsis for "The Secret Identity of Superman!"

Lois Lane is in tears because she feels Superman will not marry her for fear she would give away his secret identity. To take away that objection, Jimmy Olsen pretends to know Superman is secretly science-fiction author Rock Stirling, and tells Lois through her sister Lucy. If Lois can keep the false secret a secret, Jimmy feels that Superman will know she is trustworthy.

Naturally, Lois cannot keep tight lipped about Superman's "secret identity" and let's it slip on a number of occasions. When she accidentally does it on live television, a group of criminals decide to target Rock Stirling. When Superman learns of this he goes to Stirling's rescue, and falls pray to the criminals Kryptonite, however is able to melt it easily with his x-ray vision before it can weaken him enough, and he defeats the crooks.

After Superman and Sterling appear on television together to end the confusion, Jimmy confesses his plan all along to Lois, who wonders if when the time comes could she really keep Superman's identity a secret.

Appearing in "The Interplanetary Circus!"

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Synopsis for "The Interplanetary Circus!"

When an alien circus arrives on Earth and sets up shop in Metropolis, Clark Kent and Lois Lane go to investigate it for the Daily Planet. Lois dismisses it as just a novelty act to attract patrons, Clark's x-ray vision reveals the truth, however he pretends to believe it's a hoax so as not to start a panic.

When one of the alien beasts gets loose, Clark slips away and changes into Superman and stops the beast. Witnessing it, the circus conductor demands that Superman join his show, a request which Superman declines. Not willing to take no for an answer, the conductor unleashes a Plutonian ice beast, and a Murcurian fire beast on Superman, which he easily defeats. When he unleashes an alien cactus plant creature with exploding quills, Superman is forced to work for the circus less the creature causes untold damage to Metropolis.

However, Superman gets out of his forced servitude when he realizes that the cactus creature needs the sun to power it, and so he flies into space and forces the Moon into an eclipse pattern over Metropolis, rending the creature inert. Superman then tells the aliens to depart and never come back to Earth again. The aliens leave the Earth, and nobody ever knows that they were truly from outerspace.

Appearing in "The Night of March 31st!"

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Synopsis for "The Night of March 31st!"

In this imaginary tale all sorts of crazy things happen to Superman during the day, from Supergirl revealing herself in public and being able to breath fire, to Lori Lemuris having human legs, Lois has tea with Mr. Mxyzplkt, and Lana Lang tries to kill Superman with Kryptonite. When Luthor, Bizarro, and Brainiac come to his rescue, they all reveal that they know that Superman is really Clark Kent. When Superman asks them how they could know, they reveal that they read Superman comic books. Shocked by this revelation, Superman falls over backwards and smashes the bottle city of Kandor to bits.

At the end of the story, reader is told that another name for March 31st is April 1st, also known as April Fool's Day.


See Also

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