Hey Kids Comics Wiki
Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Quote1 All right, listen... I did not come here to fight you. I came here to find you. And what I found is frankly... remarkable. What you've built here is remarkable and I don't want to see it snatched away. But you have to stop breaking all these @#$% laws. Blackmailing your idiot exes into stealing things is just stealing things. That ends now. Leave your old lives back where they belong and build new ones -- here in your cool little town full of beautiful cars. Normal-people lives funded by normal-people jobs. Free of criminal coercion and larceny. If you can do that... and I will know because I plan to keep serious tabs on this place... but if you can, my lips are sealed. Secret safe. Are we cool? Good. Now if someone could direct me to the closest handful of aspirin -- and maybe a bottle of fruit-flavored soda -- that would be amazing. Quote2

Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Cat (Appears in flashback and main story) (Origin revealed)
  • Derek (Single appearance)[1] (Only in flashback)

Other Characters:

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Appears in flashback and main story)



Synopsis for 1st story

Jess with the help of the women of the community defeats the cat who, remembering how she was married to a man who beat her, starts crying. At that point the Spider Woman tells the other women to stop breaking the law. She later tries to talk Ben out of publishing the story of what happened, but he tells her that she won't and so the two decide to work together to help people.

Solicit Synopsis

• A knockdown drag-out bout between Spider-Woman and a dangerous new foe – LADY CATERPILLAR!

• AND Spider-Woman’s first joint-investigation with Ben Urich comes to a close!

See Also

Links and References


  1. First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks