Appearing in "The Darkest House Part One of Three: In Every Dream a Nightmare"
Featured Characters:
- Bane
- Black Alice
- Catman
- Deadshot
- Jeannette
- King Shark
- Rag Doll
- Scandal
- Knockout (Dream)
- Parademon (Corpse)
Supporting Characters:
- Insignificus
- Kobra Cult (Cameo)
- Lady Blaze (Appears in flashback and main story)
Other Characters:
- Superior's Gentleman's Club
- River S Mall
Synopsis for "The Darkest House Part One of Three: In Every Dream a Nightmare"
- Synopsis not yet written
- From Part 1 of the 3-part "The Darkest House," the story readers have been demanding. A member of the Secret Six attempts to bring back a fallen loved one by using the demonic "Get Out of Hell Free" card stolen back in the first arc of the series! And as it turns out, Hell wants the card back...