Appearing in "Secret Invasion: Part III"
Featured Characters:
- Initiative
- Annex (Alex Ellis)
- Batwing (James Santini)
- Crusader (Z'Reg)
- Diamondback (Rachel Leighton)
- Gauntlet (Joseph Green)
- Geiger (Delilah Dearborn)
- Gorilla Girl (Fahnbullah Eddy)
- Mighty Avengers
- Melee
- Prodigy (Richie Gilmore)
- Proton (Geldoff) (Death)
- Red 9 (Wallace Jackson)
- Stature (Cassie Lang)
- Sunstreak (Andrea Roarke)
- Taskmaster (Tony Masters)
Supporting Characters:
- Dard'van
- Spider-Woman (Veranke) (Impersonates Jessica Drew) (Revealed as Skrull Queen)
- Yellowjacket (Criti Noll) (Impersonates Dr. Hank Pym)
- Edwin Jarvis (Skrull) (Impersonates Edwin Jarvis)
- Captain Marvel (Khn'nr) (Impersonates Mar-Vell)
- Super-Skrull variants
Other Characters:
- S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Maria Hill
- Unidentified agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
- Thunderbolts
- Bermuda Triangle
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- New York
- Savage Land
- Mutate Citadel
Synopsis for "Secret Invasion: Part III"
- Synopsis not yet written
- This issue is reprinted in comics and books, see references for info.[1]
See Also
Links and References
- ↑ This story is reprinted in the following comics/TPB's: