Appearing in "The Scarab's Sting!"
Featured Characters:
- Heroes for Hire
- Iron Fist (Daniel Rand)
- Jennie Royce (First appearance) (Joins Team)
- Jeryn Hogarth
- Power Man (Luke Cage)
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- Toby (First appearance)
- Professor Merridew
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Daniel Rand's Apartment
- Times Square
- Park Avenue
- Heroes for Hire Office
- Hoe Street
- Manhattan
- Georgia (Only in flashback)
- Seagate Prison (Only in flashback)
Synopsis for "The Scarab's Sting!"
- Synopsis not yet written
- This issue contains a letters page, Power/Fistfuls. Letters are published from Mike Cirillo, Rick Maol, Gordon Scott Manley, Fred Scoblete, and Jane Winter.
- Luke Cage refers to Seagate Prison as "Little Alcatraz".
- Showing at the Gem Theater this issue: Gunfight at the O.K. Corral with Kirk Douglass
- Believe it or not, Luke Cage collects information on the heist this issue on "Hoe Street"!