Appearing in "What's Eating Misty...?"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Chiangtang (Death)
Other Characters:
- Dennis O'Shaunessy
- Maxine Walters
- New York City
- Manhattan
- Midtown Precinct South
- Times Square
- Greenwich Village
- Misty Knight's Apartment
- Manhattan
Synopsis for "What's Eating Misty...?"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
Misty's feelings about Danny become bitterly entangled in an emotional web that threatens to ruin her life! Meanwhile, Power Man and Iron Fist find themselves in the ultimate peril when they confront the brother of the Dragon King in "What's Eating Misty?"
There is much confusion in this issue for the average reader:
- Iron Fist is the H'Ylthri (not his true self)
- Luke Cage is impersonated by Chiantang
- Tyrone King, a character that appears in months of this title's continuity, is actually Master Khan
Iron Fist and King's dupicity is not revealed completely until Namor #25.
- This issue contains a letters page, Power/Fistfuls. Letters are published from Ric Douglas, Chris Billoter, John Rajapakse, John Poe, Mike Slark, Chris Henderson & Friends, Billy Fish, and Robert D. lhinder.