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Appearing in "Curse of the Valkyries"

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Synopsis for "Curse of the Valkyries"

The New Mutants charge at the possessed Valkyries.  Frightened, Boom-Boom stays back until Rictor goads her into joining the fight.  In turn, Eitri uses her example to rally the dwarves.  Hela monitors the fight, gives Mirage a powder that will subdue the New Mutants, and commands her to capture Eitri.  Back on Liberty Island, Freedom Force fails to penetrate Skids’ force field so Crimson Commando shoots out the ground beneath her, and they capture her and Rusty.  Beneath Valhalla, Dani joins her fellow Valkyries, uses Hela’s powder to paralyze the New Mutants and the dwarves, and abducts Eitri.  Dead warriors place the team in a dungeon, but Boom-Boom blasts a hole in the floor and falls through it.  Able to move again, she frees her teammates, and they defeat the warriors. Disguising themselves, they watch as trolls imprison Wolfsbane’s old boyfriend, Hrimhari the wolf-prince. They break him out, and he explains that the Valkyries now work for Hela who intends to invade Asgard.  Sensing the New Mutants’ escape, Hela orders the Valkyries to drive their remaining captives into the courtyard of their fortress. Next, the New Mutants watch from a balcony as Hela opens a portal to Hel and has her minions force the prisoners through it.  Hela then surrounds Valhalla in a force field, cutting it off from the rest of Asgard. Warlock tries to get the team out before the field seals completely, but Cannonball, Rictor, Sunspot, and Wolfsbane do not make it and have to retreat to the fortress.  Infuriated, Sunspot declares they have to stop Hela themselves.  A Valkyrie appears behind him and offers to escort him to Hel personally.


  • This issue is reprinted in the New Mutants Epic Collection vol. 6: Curse of the Valkyries trade paperback published in 2018.

See Also

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