Appearing in "The 1970s Handbook"
Featured Profiles:
- Avengers
- Black Brother
- Black Lama
- Brute (Reed Richards)
- Captain Marvel (Mar-Vell)
- Cobalt Man (Ralph Roberts)
- Committee
- Conspiracy
- Corporation
- Crusaders
- Deadly Dozen
- Defenders
- Demon-Fire
- Devil's Heart
- Doctor Glitternight
- Dragon Circle (Black Panther enemies)
- Faceless One
- Fantastic Four
- Father Darklyte
- Giant-Man (Black Goliath)
- Golem (Supernatural Statue)
- Hellcow
- Hypno-Hustler
- Janus
- Korrek the Barbarian
- John Kowalski
- Lady Liberators
- Liberty Legion
- Magus (Universal Church of Truth)
- Mahkizmo
- Manphibian
- Man-Wolf
- Martian Masters
- Matador
- Missing Link
- Mr. Kline
- Mr. Zodiac
- Ms. Marvel (Carol Danvers)
- Nomad
- Power Man
- Prime Mover
- Psyklop
- Punisher (Frank Castle)
- Royalist Forces of America
- Sky-Walker
- Slitherogue
- Sons of the Tiger
- Star Thief
- Steel Serpent
- Stunt-Master
- Tagak
- They Who Wield Power
- Elianne Turac
- Victorious
- Virago
- Wraith (Brian DeWolff)
- X-Men
- Xorr the God-Jewel
Synopsis for "The 1970s Handbook"
Details several major characters of the 70s as if written on December 31, 1979. Also features updates to characters who have appeared since.