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 Man, what a rush. I looove smashing through spaceships. 
Guy Gardner

Appearing in "Gross Injustice"

Featured Characters:

Batman (Mentioned only)


Other Characters:

H'ronmeer (Mentioned only)

Superman (Mentioned only) Locations:



Synopsis for "Gross Injustice"

On an island in the Pacific Ocean, the JLI inspect the ruins of a downed Khundian warship. Guy Gardner is tasked with cleaning up the debris, but in his effort to be expeditious, he actually creates more of a mess.

On a nearby island, Major Disaster reforms the Injustice League, along with his new partner and tech-wizard, the Mighty Bruce. They too find an alien ship—a downed Thanagarian cruiser. Bruce works on the control board and makes the ship operational. While he's working, the Clock King argues with Multi-Man who is suffering from one of his numerous bouts of manic depression.

Meanwhile, Mister Miracle picks up the radio signal from the Thanagarian ship and alerts the rest of the team to the nearby presence of the Injustice League. Guy Gardner, sick of playing garbage man, takes it upon himself to check it out.

As he flies across the sky, he sees the Injustice League in the Thanagarian ship. He plows through the hull of the vessel, forcing it to land. The JLI catch up to him and apprehend the Injustice League members. As they are carted off by the military, the Gene Bomb explodes.



See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References


Invasion! Crossover
The events from this issue or series are related to Invasion!, during which an Alien Alliance led by the hostile super-scientist Dominators invades the Earth in an attempt to exterminate humanity. They wish to eliminate the metagene, for fear that the unpredictable nature of earthlings could destroy them in the future.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the Invasion! Crossovers category.
