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Appearing in "Loose Ends"

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Synopsis for "Loose Ends"

On the Moon, Omega Team and Quattro run to their spacecraft, but Hardcase, Choice, and the Solution have beat them to it and take off. Stranded, Omega Team and Quattro contact Rex Mundi for help, but he refuses and cuts off their radios. Meeting with Bob Dixon, Mundi forbids him to try to capture Choice by force as it would attract too much attention. As the ship approaches Earth, Choice and the Solution speculate about a possible connection between Mundi and the Alternate. Shadowmage explains that Rex Mundi’s name is Latin for “king of the world”, and the Alternate’s alias Regina is Latin for “queen”. Hardcase suggests they ask the Alternate via the radios in their spacesuits, but she deflects their questions. She tells them to abandon ship and use their suits’ flight capability to return to Earth. Monitoring their communications, Mundi remotely detonates the ship. Meanwhile, Gate teleports Omega Team and the rest of Quattro back to Earth, and they find themselves in the middle of a vast desert. In orbit, Choice experiences snippets of memory and wakes up. She radios Hardcase and the Solution, verifying they survived the explosion. Hardcase suggests they all rendezvous at his house, but the Solution says they have a client to meet in New York and say goodbye. In her underground sanctum, the Alternate plots next move while Mundi, in his lair, believes he has killed Hardcase and Choice. He is further pleased when he detects NM-E returning to him for repairs. Hardcase and Choice return home and find a suitcase of money left by the Alternate as payment for the Moon mission. She has also left a note directing them to Aladdin’s Groom Lake base for answers about Choice’s past.

Appearing in "Solitaire Origin"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Solitaire Origin"

  • Synopsis not yet written


See Also

Links and References

