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Appearing in 1st story

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Diabolik (Flashback and main story)
  • Neo

Other Characters:

  • Barnes
  • Regiment (Cameo)
  • Towa Tei (First appearance)
  • Dr. Lewis (Only in flashback)




Synopsis for 1st story

Diabolik recalls being severely injured in a helicopter crash and waking up in a hospital. There, a Japanese doctor offered to restore him in exchange for being a test subject for a special experiment. Dr. Denning tried to talk him out of it, but he accepted the offer and became a superhuman assassin.  Now, insane and regretful of his choice, Diabolik intends to launch his nuclear warhead at Japan in revenge.  At a laboratory in Japan, Agent Barnes demands the return of an IO operative, but the lead scientist, Dr. Towa, refuses.  Grifter distracts Diabolik with a gunfight while Zaijian searches for the warhead.  He finds Denning, the island’s owner, dead.  Fortunately, Neo arrives and steals back the nuclear trigger device, stopping the launch.  Even with only one glider functional, Zaijian and Cash escape the island just before Confucius bombs it.  With the glider damaged, Grifter has Zaijian drop him in the ocean and says to come back for him later.


See Also

Links and References

