Hey Kids Comics Wiki
Hey Kids Comics Wiki

This page may contain some of the same content as the DC Database article. A more complete and current article is at the DC Comics Database Gen 13 Vol 4 10.
The complete list of authors can be seen in that articles page history. We wish to thank all awesome contributors at the DC Database who have worked so hard to bring us this information..

Quote1 I felt I had this beautiful secret that only a few people could understand. Quote2
—Bobby Lane

Appearing in "Fire and Wind"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Statue of Astral Man


Synopsis for "Fire and Wind"

Gen13 arrives in Tranquility, where Bobby attracts the attention of a waitress and her jealous fiance at the Chick 'N' Go. Kevin and the Liberty Snots attack Gen13, and a battle ensues. More trouble looms as the Authoriteens watch on.

See Also

Links and References

