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Hey Kids Comics Wiki

Quote1 Humans, we didn't start this conflict. You hunted us, killed us...tried to wipe us from the face of the earth. You declared war on mutantkind. Today, mutantkind declares ware on you. We will not run. We will not hide. We will stand up for ourselves and each other. Wherever mutants are harmed or oppressed, you will find us. Wherever the shadow of sentinels darkens the ground, we will follow. If you are a human, now is the time to rethink how you trust us, for your own sake. If you are a mutant...take heart. You are not alone. Quote2

Appearing in "Rise"

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Other Characters:




Synopsis for "Rise"

  • Synopsis not yet written

See Also

Links and References


  1. ↑ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 First and only known appearance to date besides flashbacks