Appearing in "Out of Time: Part 5"
Featured Characters:
- Captain America (Appears in flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Master Man (Only in flashback)
- Red Skull (Only in flashback)
Other Characters:
- Teresa
- Vasily Karpov (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Bucky (Only in flashback)
- Sub-Mariner (Only in flashback)
- Human Torch (Only in flashback)
- Toro (Only in flashback)
- Red Guardian (Only in flashback)
- Kronas, Russia
Synopsis for "Out of Time: Part 5"
- Synopsis not yet written
- Steve Epting did the art only on pages 2,3, 21, and 23 for this issue. Michael Lark is listed as the primary artist.
- There are strong indicaions in this issue that Vasily Karpov rescued Alexi Shostakov from the destroyed village of Kronas, Russia and trained him to be a Red Guardian.
- This issue contians a letters page, "Freedom of Speech". Letters are pubished from Emmett M. Brown, Mitch Coenen, Jesse Lavendel, Darryl Etheridge, Roman Barajas, Georges Nogueira, and David Rettenmeir.