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Quote1 People like to tell you everyone dies alone. I always thought that was a poetic way of saying mortality is inevitable. Or death is scary. But I'm calm now. I can't feel anything but the cold. This is the end. And right at the moment...it's not the dying that keeps me dragging myself through the snow. It's the alone. Quote2
—Nico Minoru

Appearing in "Game On, Part 3"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:


  • Murderworld (Appears in flashback and main story)
    • Quadrant 1 (Appears in flashback and main story)
    • Quadrant 2 (Only in flashback)



Synopsis for "Game On, Part 3"

After being injured by Apex, Nico puts herself in a state of certain death by staying behind in order to get some of the other survivors to safety. She is killed by Chase and Juston Seyfert's Sentinel (both of whom were under Apex's control). As she dies, Nico quotes to Apex "People like to tell you everyone dies alone. I always thought that was a poetic way of saying mortality is inevitable. Or death is scary. But I'm calm now. I can't feel anything but the cold. This is the end. And right at the moment...it's not the dying that keeps me dragging myself through the snow. It's the alone." Before she dies, Nico was able to formulate a last spell (Help), which is destined to resurrect her.

Solicit Synopsis

Nico’s valiant stand…against Sentinel?


The cover is an homage to the movie 'Platoon' (1986).

See Also

Links and References

