Appearing in "Look Up, Look Down"
Featured Characters:
- Blindside (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Bud Kemp (Death)
- Dietrich (First appearance) (Only in flashback)
- Roland Quinn
- James (First appearance)
- Nikki (First appearance)
- Loy (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- Orion Sector
- Sam
- Brandy Kemp (First appearance)
Synopsis for "Look Up, Look Down"
Looking out over Manhattan, Roland Quinn recalls the poverty and ridicule of his childhood. His assistant Nikki enters and informs him that two henchmen are on their way to interrogate Blindside’s uncle Bud. Blindside swings across the city and recalls cajoling his former Orion Sector colleague Dietrich into designing his costume and weapons. At the Orion Sector, two of Bud’s co-workers tell their boss they are reluctant to surveil Bud, but their boss tells them it is a matter of national security. At Bud’s house, Quinn’s henchmen burst in and kill Bud in front of his two daughters. Above the city, Blindside senses his uncle’s death.
Appearing in "After Megaton Man"
Featured Characters:
- Megaton Man (Corpse)
Supporting Characters:
- Bombshell
- Britomart
- Kid Megaton
- Ms. Megaton
- X-Ray Boy
- Nam Eld'dim
- Repp
- Unleash
- Fiascoverse
Synopsis for "After Megaton Man"
Ms. Megaton arrives as X-Ray Boy stands over Megaton Man’s smoldering ashes and pronounces him dead. She introduces herself to Bombshell, skeptical that her cousin is actually dead. Soon, Britomart and Kid Megaton arrive as well and introduce themselves. Suddenly, a vast spaceship appears over the city, and its owner, the alien giant Nam Eld’Dim, declares that the world’s media technologies and distribution channels are now his.
Appearing in "Killing Time"
Featured Characters:
- Daria
Synopsis for "Killing Time"
Daria threatens to kill Lethal unless she volunteers to be a test subject for the time machine. Lethal explains her intent to use the machine to return to her place in the past, but Daria says she does not care, and the two women keep fighting. Daria threatens to go back in time and kill Lethal and her family. She then manifests an energy whip and uses it to shock Lethal, but Lethal still hits back. Daria yells at her boss, this timeline’s version of Kayo, to not interfere in the battle. Recognizing Kayo’s name, Lethal says she knows him, but Daria is indifferent and attacks her again.
- This is the final issue of the series.
- "Look Up, Look Down" continues from Blindside #1. The story ends on a cliffhanger and was never continued or resolved.
- "After Megaton Man" continues from the Megaton Man story in Asylum #8.
- "Killing Time" continues from Lethal #1 and ends with a blurb teasing the next chapter. However, the next chapter was never published, leaving the story unresolved.
- "Nam Eld'Dim" is "middleman" spelled backward.