Appearing in "Days of Future Present, Past Participle! (Part 3)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Omega Flight
- Jerome Jaxon/Box
- Smart Alec
- Diamond Lil
- Wildchild
- Flashback
- Magneto
- Onslaught
- Doctor Doom (Mentioned)
- Angar the Screamer (Mentioned)
Other Characters:
- Alpha North America
- Aurora
- Guardian
- Northstar
- Puck
- Sasquatch
- Shaman
- Snowbird
Synopsis for "Days of Future Present, Past Participle! (Part 3)"
- Synopsis not yet written
Solicit Synopsis
The time-spanning epic continues! Find out what would have happened if the original Alpha Flight had become American heroes! We’ll give you a hint; it rhymes with duclear folocaust!