The Spy is a supporting character in Soul Bringer. He is one of nine mercenaries that were hired by Mann Co. to eliminate the rival competition during the Gravel War in 1968, acting as a reconnaissance unit during the conflict. Following the war, he and his team sided with Lady Emeraldblade in her struggle against Nightmare and the fate of the Universe.
Much like the original Spy, The Spy has light skin and a tall, slender frame. Given the little amount that is visible around his face by the dark red balaclava he wears on his head, the only feature he has is blueish-grey eyes.
His main outfit consists of a red pinstripe suit with a white business shirt and dark red tie. He wears black shoes and black gloves.
Often times, he is seen smoking a cigarette.
The Spy takes his work very seriously, more so than any of the other mercenaries. He views his work in the highest priority and disallows failure at all costs.
In addition, he tends to be quite arrogant whenever he successfully eliminates a target, often times mocking them in an imitated manner whilst also being quite critical on their effort.
He is also shown as being a ladies man, given his flirtatious manner towards certain women he likes, most notably the Scout's mother. He also takes great care of keeping his suits clean, indicating that he is a neat freak of sorts.
He has a habit of smoking, although wether he is a chain smoker or not is unclear.
Little is known about the Spy prior to 1968, although what is clear is that he was in a romantic relationship with the Scout's mother, leading to his birth sometime later.
In 1968, the Spy alongside his son and seven other mercenaries were hired by Mann Co. to eliminate a rival branch, sparking the Gravel War. The conflict lasted several years until Mann Co.'s CEO Saxton Hale surrendered to Gray Mann's daughter Olivia, making her the new CEO in the process. Over time, Olivia made bad corporate decisions, leading to the company to file for bankruptcy, forcing the Spy and the other mercenaries out of their jobs. They sought refuge in an abandoned sub once owned by the company and established a secret base underneath its ruins, where he and his team remain mostly quiet for the decades that followed.
In 2024 however, the team came across a strange woman named Lady Emeraldblade, who had a run-in with the Soldier, the Demoman, and the Sniper in Roswell. After briefly introducing himself and kissing the hand of the newcomer, he learned from her during dinner that she was searching for Merasmus, an evil wizard that the team had confronted several times in the past. She explained that she believed he was working for Nightmare, an evil knight who was bringing about the end of the universe.
After returning from the Engineer's lab with a plan to find Merasmus, the Spy reluctantly agreed to help Lady Emeraldblade in her mission to locate and defeat the mercenaries' old adversary, and began preparing for the mission ahead.
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Team Fortress Fanon Heroes | ||
Animations Soldier: Jane Doe (Emesis Blue) | RED Soldier (Lil' Pootis) | Soldine | Soldier (Yum Crum) | Soldier (Meet the Amazing Team) | Soldier (STBlackST) | Karma Soldier | Painis Cupcake | Soldier (Soul Bringer) | Tone Soldier | The Agreeable Soldier | Santa Soldier | Proto-Soldine | Jane Doe (TF2 Freakshow) | Ainis Cupcake | Edo Soldier | Sodic | American Boot | Protagonist Soldier | Warrior (TF2 Freakshow) | Private Funnyman | Robot Cupcake | Painisman | Polish Soldier | RubberFruit | Soljah | Heavy Metal Soldier | Uncle Crusty | Weird Soldier | Crouton Haircut | The Rolling Soldier | Edo Soldier Pyro: Pyro (Meet the Amazing Pyro) | Pyro (Burning Through Space) | RED Pyro (Lil' Pootis) | Pyro (Soul Bringer) | BLU Pyro (A Granary Adventure: The Underdog Story) | Red Pyro (TF2 Revenge - Saxxy 2012, Drama) | Teivel | Samyro | BLU Pyrogun | Bone Pyro | CyborPyro | Pyrogun | Scuttlebucket | Buddhist Murder Pyro Demoman: Demoman (Soul Bringer) | RED Demoman (Lil' Pootis) | Demoman (| Cyclops (Emesis Blue) | Demoman (Yum Crum) | Drunk Monk | Melonman | Spiderdemo | Orangeman | Demoman (SMG4) | Drunk Monk | Dentlemanly Demo | Dream Demoman |Aengus | Deemomeeng | Fratman | CyborDemo | Captain Demoman | Panoman | Demopan | Scurry Scrumpy | King Caberface Heavy: Heavy (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Heavy (Lil' Pootis) | Heavy (Heavy is Dead) | Heavy (Soul Bringer) | RED Heavy (Heavy's Quest) | Heavy (Gmod Centennial High School) | Heavy (Minion Archive) | Heavy Sumo Guy | Heavy Guy | Official Heavy | Intelligent Heavy | CyborHeavy | Pootis-MAN | Ninja Heavy | Oddball Heevy | Heeboo | Magician Heavy |Shogun Heavy | Rex (TF2 Freakshow) | Stupid Heavy | Heavybine | Hoomba | Kid Friendly Heavy | Dick Sandvich | Soiled Diaper Station | Stu Pidface | GAYPENlS | Heavy Props Guy Engineer: Engineer (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Lil' Pootis) | BLU Engineer (Spy's Disguise) | Engineer (Soul Bringer) | Bombgineer | RED Paintraingineer | Rusty (TF2 Freakshow) | Cyborneer | Spanner | Ninjineer | Bacon Pardner | Kickass Engineer | Spengineer | Energineer | BLU EnGeR | Piegineer | Robot Engie Vagineers Sniper: Sniper (Meet the Amazing Team) | RED Sniper (Lil' Pootis) | Sniper (Soul Bringer) | Reaper (TF2 Freakshow) | Karate Sniper | Weaselcake | Santa Piss | CyborSniper | Old Bloke | RED Sniper (The JarateThon) | Gravy Guitarman | Schniper | Crotch Sniper | Scott Mundy | RED Nnnngh Sniper Spy: BLU Spy (Spy's Disguise) | BLU Spy (Capture The Intelligence) | Spy (Soul Bringer) | Spy (Minion Archive) | Polite Spy | Christian Pure Spy | RED Spy (Spy's Creed) | Interesting Spy | TelroSpy | Spyper | White Spy | Spy of Influence | Sphai | Knivehand | Ugly Spy | Slender Spaps | Up High Spy | Skinny Spy | Dr. Melon | Fat Spy | Skinny Spy | Spy Samedi | Spoy | Blue Spy GEN-01 | Mr. Red Spy aka. Fared Spier (Delivery Mann) Others: Mimi-Sentry | Mini Sentry-Chan | Dispenser Lady | Entela and Exodus | Senthia | Dell-Spencer | Valve Guy | Ghost (TF2 Freakshow) | God Cow | Dicksalot | Solgineer | Spy and Spy | Lil' Pootis | Blootis | (Tiny Desk Engineer (Lil Pootis) Groups and Organizations:
HECU | Van Windhoek's Students | The Poot Troop | Bob and Bob | Troopers (TF2 Freakshow) | The Shades Fan-Fiction |