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Eva is a protagonist from the fan-made Happy Tree Friends spinoff, Fiction Pokémon Foes. She's the mascot of the series and is one of the more popular Pokémon characters. She's an Eevee nerd from the Kanto Region. She's highly fascinated with the Evolution Stones, items that can evolve Pokémon characters of a certain type. She studies them a lot and wants to learn about their origin and how they were formed. However when she evolves from the Stones and becomes an Eeveelution, she doesn't know how to use her new powers and may cause carnage and destruction by accident. She's cousins with Pond the Vaporeon, Jolts the Jolteon and Flares the Flareon.

Character Biography[]

Physical Appearance[]

Eva is an average-sized anthropomorphic orange Eevee. She of course resembles a fox, though does vaguely sport a few feline-like traits as well. There's long rabbit-like ears extending high upwards, the tip being a dark orange color while the inner color is a light orange color, there's a tut of hair on her head that resembles her tail, the hair is located on a light orange diamond shaped marking that reaches all the way to her black heart-shaped nose.

She has black eyes with white pie-shaped pupils, underneath her eyes are light orange spots on her cheeks. Covering her upper body is a big furry light orange mane, her belly is also a light orange color. Coming from her furry mane are her arms, the fur on her arms turning into a light orange color when it reaches her hands, the same thing with her feet. Eva has a big bushy dark orange foxlike tail with a dark tan-colored tail tip. She's usually seen carrying around the Evolution Stones.


Eva's power/type is Normal. She's a nerd who knows a lot about the Evolution Stones, items within the Pokémon and Fiction Pokémon Foes franchise. They have the mythical ability to evolve Pokémon characters of a certain type into stronger and more powerful forms. Eva is shown to carry three of the Evolution Stones around, those being the Water, Thunder and Fire stones which is a reference to Eevee evolving into either a Vaporeon, Jolteon or a Flareon upon contact with the three mentioned Evolution Stones. She's shown to study and do experiments on the objects, especially to find out their origin, how long ago they were created and how exactly they were formed. When she isn't studying the Evolution Stones, she's usually trying to control her powers upon evolving into a certain Eeveelution.

This means she doesn't exactly know how to professionally use her new powers as she just earned them, meaning she occasionally accidentally blasts out random attacks which could kill others nearby her, things could go highly unfortunate if she became a Flareon as a massive fire outburst would happen, killing many characters and causing major destruction. However, her cousins, Pond the Vaporeon, Jolts the Jolteon and Flares the Flareon try to train her with her new powers when she evolves, while this does sometimes work, it usually leads to her getting confused, leading to no avail. It makes since as her cousins evolved into Eeveelutions a long time ago, so they've been using and getting comfortable with their unique powers for quite some time. She's good friends with Bolt the Pikachu, and she often gives him her Thunder Stone, allowing him to evolve into a Raichu. It's presumed they're even in a romantic relationship.


Eva's very kind and smart, considering she spends most of her time studying the Evolution Stones, trying to unveil more of it's history and how they were formed. She's also very carrying and also cares about the safety of others. Sometimes she's even willing to give away her evolution stones to other Pokémon characters so they can evolve, but, she won't give her Stones to Pokémon characters with bad intentions, as she would just be letting the one who has or is about to commit as much crimes as possible become stronger and more powerful, making their heinous actions and more easier for them. Eva's very playful and will play with anyone whose nice towards her, she's most specially seen playing with Pond, Jolts and Flares and sometimes Bolt too. It's shown that the two seem to have a romantic interest, which could work out as their Pokémon species are both in the Field egg group.

She loves being around her cousins, as they protect her from dangerous situations and also fend off evil and hostile Pokémon characters. Eva apparently wants to be like her cousins and help other characters in the same manner they've helped her. For example, whenever Eva almost drowns, Pond always saves her, so whenever Eva sees another character drowning or having a difficult time in the water, she uses her Water Stone, evolving into a Vaporeon and swimming out to save their lives. She also even helps Bolt with his machines by evolving into a Jolteon to help him convert more power into a machine with electricity. And when things are a bit chilly, and there's not another Fire-type Pokémon character, a Pokémon character with Fire-type moves or a character experienced with making fire from sticks and twigs in sight, she evolves into a Flareon and will create fire for the other characters. But unfortunately this simple task leads to an entire accidental forest fire, which leads to the characters getting far too much heat than they bargained for, leading to their deaths.


High Intellect[]

This mainly comes from her studying the Evolution Stones, which has lead to her gaining more intelligence. She knows how every single Pokémon in the Pokédex can evolve and how they can't evolve. But she doesn't just have high intelligence over evolution, she even thinks quickly and smartly when in a rough situation, and can quickly match the puzzles within her head as to what to do in certain situations, such as quickly evolving into a Vaporeon when in flooded areas or to take out raging fire.

Enhanced Speed[]

She's very quickly and can run around at high speeds, which does make some since as she's a foxlike creature, which are known for being very fast. However, despite her speed she still isn't faster than Bolt the Pikachu or her Eeveelution cousin Jolts the Jolteon. But she can still move faster than a character would expect, and she can use this ability when she finds herself in bad situations.

Cute Appearance[]

Sometimes she uses her cute appearance to either lower the attack stat of another Pokémon character or to make them not attack her due to her cuteness. She has the ability to widen her eyes, making her appearance more cuter, which further causes her opponent to feel more less like attacking or harming her in any manner. Another Pokémon character with this same skill is Fairly the Jigglypuff.

Keen Sense of Hearing[]

Due to her long rabbit-like ears, it's not a surprise she has a very excellent sense of hearing and can hear things many from miles away from her current location. Her ears also raise like that of a rabbit when she senses danger.

Evolving into Multiple Forms[]

This obviously means that Eva, being an Eevee, has the ability to evolve into multiple Pokémon evolutions, commonly referred to as Eeveelutions. Each Eeveelution having it's own unique typing and appearance, this can either happen when she makes contact with the Evolution Stones or in another unique manners. She becomes a certain Eeveelution that depends on her surroundings and current situation, such as evolving into a Jolteon in order to power a machine.


          Fiction Pokémon Foes LogoHeroes

Kanto Region
Flora | Flamethrower | Squirt | Mudpie | Butters | Needle | Gusty| Bolt | Sandy | Doria | Queen Quill | Dorian | Vesta | Celestial | Bake | Ember | Fairly | Snuggles | Charm | Headache | Blaze | Waggles | Whirlpool | Bluejacket | Presto | Biceps | Brawny | Knell | Coolers | Rocker | Dashie | Slow-Mo | Leek | Dio and Dia | Egg Ensemble | Coconut Cluster | Bone | Dropkick | K.O | Taste-buds | Hardy | Nursery | Tangles | Bounds and Hops | Supernova | Ms. Mime | Blade | Arctica | Galvanic | Igneous | Rodeo | Duplicate | Lappy | Eva | Pond | Jolts | Flares | Tetris | Spiral | Carapace | Dozy | Blizzard | Lightning | Inferno | Lighthouse | Lapis | Mutant | Gene

Johto Region
Amaryllis | Fireball | Surfer | Sentry | Nimble | Clockwise | Lassie | Starlight | Night-light | Zap | Star | Marshmallow | Eggshell | Glee | Navajo | Chieftain | Static | Wool | Hula | Rill | Bubbles | Pine | Offspring | Pellet-pip | Daisy | Fluffs | Aye | Sunny | Glazier | Woop Woop | Marsh Majesty | Berry

Anti Heroes
Drillby | Chatters | Exterminate | King Quill | Judo | Goldie | Pearl | Splashy | Dactyl
Click here to see the FPF Villains.


  • She's one of the few Pokémon characters to have their name similar to their species.
  • Her appearance is a little similar to Bolt the Pikachu's due to the diamond marking, black eyes and nose.
  • Strangely, she's seen more in the Kanto Towns than in the Forests.
  • Sometimes in backgrounds in episodes of the series she's seen as one of the three Eeveelutions.
  • It's presumed whenever she's in a harsh environment she evolves into an Eeveelution that fits the situation, for example she becomes a Vaporeon in overflooded areas.
  • She brushes her hair, mane and tail a lot.
  • Due to her long rabbit-like ears she of course has a sharp sense of hearing, her ears also raise like a rabbit when she senses danger.