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All the abilities exhibited by Evolved Humans in the Television show Heroes and Heroes Reborn.

Power Possessed by Absorbed by
Power Absorption Arthur Petrelli,
Tommy Clark
The ability to steal another's ability, rendering them powerless
Power Augmentation Paulette Hawkins
The ability to augment other evolved human abilities
Power Replication Peter Petrelli (synthetic) Draph
The ability to replicate one ability at a time through physical contact
Accelerated Probability Santiago,
The ability to predict the probability of a certain event correctly and accelerate one's self to achieve those predictions
Acid Secretion Leonard Cushing
The ability to generate highly corrosive fluids
Acidic Blood Mary Krause
The ability to have acidic blood
Activation and Deactivation Matt Parkman Jr.
The ability to activate and deactivate various objects
Adoptive Muscle Memory Monica Dawson
The ability to replicate any physical action after seeing it performed
Age Shifting
Age Shifting The Russian
The ability to change one's own age
Age Transferal
Age Transferal Leona Mills
The ability to transfer the aging and life force to and from an object and make the user younger or older
Alchemy Bob Bishop,
The ability to change the molecular composition of any material to gold
Poison Absorption Alejandro Herrera
The ability to absorb and counter the effects of Maya's poison emission
Animal Control Markus Gaines
The ability to control and communicate with animals
Appearance Alteration Connie Logan
The ability to change the skin, hair, and vocal cords of another person
Aquatic Breathing Alex Woolsley,
Kevin Wrigley
The ability to breathe underwater
Aura Absorption Linda Tavara
The ability to see auras and take the lives and powers of others
Bliss & Horror Inducement Guillame
The ability to bring about feelings of bliss and horror in others
Bone Spike Protrusion Perrin Crocker
The ability to create bone spikes that protrude from one's body
Chlorine Gas Exudation
Chlorine Gas Exudation Tina Ramierez
The ability to exhale chlorine gas instead of carbon dioxide
Clairsentience Bridget Bailey Sylar
The ability to perceive the history of an object by touching it
Clairvoyance Molly Walker,
Adam Soo Hoo
The ability to see distant people and things
Cloaking Teddy
The ability to cause things to disappear and reappear
Cloning Julien Dumont,
Magdalena Muller,
M. F. Harris
The ability to replicate oneself and produce identical clones
Constriction The Constrictor
The ability to mimic the attributes of a constricting snake, including squeezing extra-tightly with one's body, numbing with one's touch and gender neutrality
Crumpling Marcus
The ability to crumple and deform objects
Electronic Communication Hana Gitelman,
Richard Drucker,
Myles Stevens
The ability to intercept, generate, and interpret electronic, digital, and radio transmissions with one's mind
Danger Sensing
Danger Sensing Evan Davis
The ability to sense danger
Feral Mind David Sullivan (synthetic)
The ability to growl and charge at others viciously
Dehydration Rollo Fusor's accomplice
The ability to remove the water contained in objects or people by force of will
Disintegration Tom Miller Sylar
The ability to disintegrate objects without physical contact
Disintegration Touch
Disintegration Touch Felicia Brooks
Felicia's name for her ability
Dream Manipulation Sanjog Iyer,
Fredrick Ganes
The ability to manipulate the dreams of others
Elasticity Piper
The ability to to stretch, deform, expand, and contract one's body
Electricity Manipulation Agent,
Elle Bishop,
"Biker Woman"
Future Peter1,
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Arthur Petrelli,
The ability to create and direct electrical arcs
Electricity Absorption
Electricity Absorption Teenage patient,
Benjamin Franklin
The ability to absorb and subsequently release electrical energy
Elemental Control Malina
The ability to control Earth's elements
Empathic Manipulation
Empathic Manipulation Joseph Sullivan,
Syn Anders,
Morgan Harvey
The ability to control emotions
Empathic Mimicry Peter Petrelli (lost) Arthur Petrelli
The ability to duplicate the powers of other evolved humans within proximity and reproduce them at will when thinking about the original source of the power
Empathy Lydia Sylar
The ability to feel the emotions, thoughts, hopes, desires, and dreams of others
Energy Absorption, Transference, and Redirection
Energy Absorption, Transference, and Redirection Mindy Sprague
The ability to absorb, transfer, and redirect energy
Enhanced Hearing Dale Smither Sylar (lost)
The ability to hear sounds beyond normal limits
Enhanced Memory Charlie Andrews,
Matt Neuenberg,
Katherine Murry,
Pacy McNeil,
Trevor Tanaka
Sylar (lost, alternative timeline)
The ability to quickly absorb and accurately retain great amounts of information
Enhanced Strength Niki Sanders (synthetic),
Michael Fitzgerald,
Scott (synthetic),
Mohinder Suresh (synthetic),
Pushing woman,
Oscar Gutierrez,
James Dearing,
Karen Eriksen
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to exert greater than normal physical force
Mohinder's power Mohinder Suresh (synthetic, corrected)
The ability to possess enhanced human senses, instinct, and strength
Enhanced Synesthesia Emma Coolidge,
Chris Coolidge
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to see sound waves as light and project concussive blasts
Fire Breathing Chris Bowman,
Gail Bowman,
Jennie Bowman
The ability to breathe out fire
Fire Casting
Fire Casting El Diablo,
Blazing homeless man,
"The Firestarter"
The ability to engulf oneself in flames
Flight Nathan Petrelli (synthetic),
West Rosen,
April Clifton,
Rob Brewer,
Floating boy,
"Chinese Guy",
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Future Sylar1,
The ability to propel oneself through the air
Force Field Generation Abigail
The ability to create and manipulate force fields
Cryokinesis James Walker,
Tracy Strauss (synthetic),
Mick the Ice Guy
Sylar (lost),
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to reduce temperatures and freeze objects by force of will
Future Terrorist's Power
Future Terrorist's Power Future Terrorist
The ability to shoot a concentrated flow of green energy or liquid from the hand
Gold Mimicry "Little Miss Goldenrod"
The ability to turn one's body into gold
Granulation Gordon Hovey
The ability to turn things into sand
Vortex Creation Stephen Canfield
The ability to create gravitational vacuums
Green Energy Blast
Green Energy Blast Ricky
The ability to discharge a green-colored emission
Entertainment Materialization Hachiro Otomo
The ability to digitize matter and interact with virtual environments
Healing Daniel Linderman,
Ishi Nakamura,
Taylor's father
The ability to heal the wounds of others
Biokinesis Jeremy Greer Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to control the flow of life
Heat Generation Mrs. Comey,
British girl
The ability to heat things
Illusion Manipulation Candice Wilmer,
Crazy Tom,
Future Sylar1,
Future Peter2
The ability to alter the perceptions of others
Image Projection
Image Projection Deirdre
The ability to project images from one's eyes
Invulnerability Baron Samedi
The ability of one's skin to not be penetrated by anything
Imprinting Joe Macon Sylar
The ability to mentally imprint marks onto surfaces
Radiation Emission Ted Sprague Peter Petrelli (lost),
Sylar (lost),
Future Gabriel2
The ability to manipulate the movement of subatomic particles, thus generating and emitting toxic radiation
Intuitive Aptitude Sylar,
Samson Gray
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to analyze complex systems and intuitively understand how they work without special education or training
Invisibility Claude Rains,
Becky Taylor,
"Hipster Dude",
Farah Nazan
Peter Petrelli
The ability to not be seen
Laser Emission
Laser Emission Michael
The ability to generate a beam of coherent light
Levitation Abu Aswan,
Khufu and his kin
The ability to levitate and move extremely heavy objects
Lie Detection Sue Landers Sylar
The ability to detect when others lie
Heliokinesis Luke Collins
The ability to emit heat, light, and electromagnetism
Luminescence Howard Grigsby,
Dee H
The ability to emit light from one's body
Lung Adaptation
Lung Adaptation Bianca Karina
The ability to adapt one's lungs to any environment
Magnetism Manipulation The German,
Magnetism terrorist,
Bo LoFontaine
The ability to manipulate ferrous objects and materials
Size Manipulation Sylvia,
Eric Lee Harrison
The ability to manipulate size, growing or shrinking at will
Mediumship Ida May Walker Linda Tavara
The ability to view the spirits of the deceased
Melting Zane Taylor Sylar (lost)
The ability to melt solid materials
Memory Manipulation Damian
The ability to make an individual re-experience forgotten or past memories and to erase memories
Memory Storage Caspar Abraham
The ability to transfer a person's memory into inanimate objects
Mental Manipulation René Arthur Petrelli,
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to manipulate others' minds, causing them to lose memories or be prevented from using mental powers
Metal Mimicry Danny Pine,
Large guy
The ability to transmute one's own body into metal
Microwave Ray Radiation Luke Campbell,
Mr. Shelby
The ability to emit rays of microwaves from one's hands
Electronic Media Jumping Miko Otomo
The ability to physically enter the video game Evernow
Mist Mimicry
Mist Mimicry Father Mauricio
The ability to mimic mist and control one's body while in a smoky state
Nerve Gas Emission
Nerve Gas Emission Manhattan target
The ability to emit nerve gas when sweating
Nerve Manipulation
Nerve Manipulation "The Watcher"
The ability to manipulate the nerves of others
Neurocognitive Deficit Anna Korolenko
The ability to shut down the upper brain functions of surrounding individuals
Oil Secretion
Oil Secretion Howie Kaplan
The ability to secrete oil from one's hands
Omnilingualism Traveler
The ability to automatically understand all verbal and non-verbal communication
Suggestion Eden McCain,
Damen Peak
The ability to force others to obey one's spoken commands
Intangibility D.L. Hawkins,
Samir Mellouk,
Skinny guy,
Jose Gutierrez,
Marylou Winawer
Future Sylar1,
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to pass through solid objects at will
Phoenix Mimicry
Phoenix Mimicry Unknown Draph
The ability to possess traits remenicent of a phoenix, including reincarnation, flight, and pyrokinesis
Plant Growth
Plant Growth Au Co,
Ian Michaels
The ability to accelerate plant growth
Plant Manipulation Brendan Lewis,
Sue Grandry,
Theodore van den Burg
The ability to mimic and create plants and other vegetation
Plasmakinesis Trevor Mason (synthetic)
The ability to create and manipulate plasma
Poison Emission Maya Herrera (lost) Arthur Petrelli
The ability to harm or kill people in the immediate area by emitting a deadly poison
Possession Harold Esposito Future Peter2
The ability to insert a person into someone else's body
Precognition Isaac Mendez,
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Sylar (lost),
Future Gabriel2,
Arthur Petrelli
The ability to accurately predict future events through paintings
Precognitive Dreaming Angela Petrelli Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to see the future through dreams
Primal Rage
Primal Rage Ricardo Silva
The ability to induce an uncontrollable rage in others
Probability Computation Kaito Nakamura
The ability to see the variables of any situation and predict the outcome
Puppeting Eric Doyle
The ability to control the motor functions of people
Pyrokinesis Meredith Gordon,
Flint Gordon, Jr.,
Coach Lewis
Future Peter1,
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to create and control fire using the power of the mind
Regenerative Healing Factor Claire Bennet (lost),
Adam Monroe (lost),
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Future Sylar1,
Arthur Petrelli,
Tommy Clark (lost)
The ability to heal wounds quickly without any scarring
Sedation Inducement Unknown victim Samson Gray
The ability to lull victims into a sedated state
Seismic Burst Mr. Shaw,
Mr. Taylor,
The ability to repel objects away from one's self
Shape Shifting James Martin,
Josh Davis,
Shape shifting evo,
Phil Haas
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to shift one's physical characteristics
Shattering Trevor Zeitlan,
Sylar (lost)
The ability to shatter objects without physical contact
Soul Translocation Peter Petrelli (Villains future)
The ability to transfer a person's consciousness, body, or soul into another individual's body, allowing temporary or permanent control of the host.
Sound Absorption Agent
The ability to absorb and nullify sound waves
Sound Manipulation Echo DeMille,
Jesse Murphy
The ability to manipulate sound waves using one's voice
Space-Time Manipulation Hiro Nakamura (restored,lost),
Cassandra Hays,
Dahlia Hays (synthetic)
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Arthur Petrelli,
Tommy Clark
The ability to alter the space-time continuum, including slowing down, speeding up, reversing, stopping, moving backwards and forwards through time, and moving instantaneously through space
Spider Mimicry
Spider Mimicry Caleb
The ability to turn one's body into a spider-like creature
Spontaneous Combustion Amanda
The ability to cause things to catch fire
Enhanced Speed Agent,
Daphne Millbrook,
Speedster trainee,
"Angry Old Man"
Future Peter1,
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to move at a higher rate than normal
Supercharging Ando Masahashi (synthetic)
The ability to emit a red-colored beam of energy which can be used for a multitude of effects
Technopathy Micah Sanders
The ability to control and manipulate technology with the mind
Telekinesis Brian Davis,
Unknown victim,
Game operator,
Dahlia Hays,
Francis Culp,
Morgan Perdue,
Cassandra Hays (synthetic),
Alex Woodward
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Arthur Petrelli,
Samson Gray,
The ability to move objects with the mind
Telepathy Matt Parkman,
Maury Parkman,
Charles Deveaux
Peter Petrelli (lost),
Arthur Petrelli,
The ability to mentally control functions of the brain
Teleportation Manuel Garcia,
Rachel Mills,
Teleportation Trainee
The ability to instantly move between two locations
Telescopic Vision
Telescopic Vision Donna Dunlap,
Alexander French
The ability to see clearly in darkness and magnify vision to various levels
Temporal Rewind
Temporal Rewind John Mulligan
The ability to rewind time
Terrakinesis Sparrow Redhouse,
Samuel Sullivan
Peter Petrelli (lost)
The ability to control geologic materials such as dirt and rocks
Umbrakinesis Phoebe Frady
The ability to manipulate light and shadows
Wall Crawling
Wall Crawling Harmon
The ability to crawl up walls effortlessly
Water Mimicry "Liquid man",
Donald Essex
The ability to mimic water
Weather Manipulation Alice Shaw
The ability to control the weather

Unseen Abilities[]

These abilities have been described in writing, but have never been visually demonstrated, such as abilities demonstrated in iStory or book content.

Power4 Person Source
Belief Inducement Alethea Thorn Faction Zero
Carbon Isolation and Formation Cole The Civilian
Dimension Hopping Kelli Wheaton Faction Zero
Dimensional Storage Store The Civilian
Enhanced Breath Jamart Ærts‎ Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World
Remote Teleportation James Kelly Purpose
Extraskeletal Manipulation Shard Slow Burn
Fireworks Creation Detlev Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World
Health Optimizing Marc The Civilian
Inflammation Toby The Civilian
Light Absorption Abe The Agent
Light Manipulation Antoine Mercier Save the Cheerleader, Destroy the World
Non-Biological Duplication Glade Slow Burn
Rock Formation Hugo Gallegos Dirty Deeds
Shifting Valerie, Victor The Agent
Water Generation Barbara The Agent

List of Non-Demonstrated Abilities[]

These abilities have been attributed to various characters, but the ability has never been demonstrated by the character.

Potential Power3 Person Location Source
Acid Secretion Unknown São Paulo, Brazil Assignment tracker map
Age Manipulation David Reese Unknown The Needs of the Many
Astral Vision Katie Angro Unknown The Needs of the Many
Chlorokinesis and Plant Mimicry Theodore van den Burg The Netherlands Heroes: Survival
Claircognizance Draph South Dakota Slow Burn
Corrosion Unknown convict Lisbon, Portugal Assignment tracker map
Deoxygenation Middle school boy Santa Cruz, CA Five Years Gone
Dynamic Camouflage A woman Unknown Genesis Files
Earthquake Causing A man Sydney, Australia I Am Become Death
Electricity Mimicry Unknown Nigeria Assignment tracker map
Electronic Data Manipulation Unknown Pakistan and Afghanistan border Assignment tracker map
Empathic Manipulation Morgan Harvey New York, NY Heroes: Survival
Enhanced Thought Processing Katherine Murry Los Angeles, CA Heroes: Survival
Enhanced Memory Trevor Tanaka Los Angeles, CA Heroes: Survival
Evolved Human Detection Lukas Bahn Washington, DC Assignment tracker map
Gas Mimicry Zan Hahn Beijing, China Assignment tracker map
Hair Manipulation Paul Harding Washington, DC Assignment tracker map
Explosion Inducement Darryl Blake San Diego, CA Assignment tracker map
Sleep and Soporifia Inducement Therese Bryne Boston, MA Heroes: Survival
Intuitive Empathy and Empathic Communication Seal Utah The Civilian
Memory Theft Miles Lecomte San Francisco, CA Heroes: Survival
Metal Duplication Unknown Afghanistan Assignment tracker map
Metallic Sweat Carmen Gonzalez Leon, Mexico Assignment tracker map
Nervous System Manipulation Unknown Toronto, Canada Assignment tracker map
Object Displacement Sebastian Shell Beijing, China Assignment tracker map
Photographic Memory and Reflexes Pacy McNeil New York, NY Heroes: Survival
Power Manipulation Alisa Kousoulis Unknown The Needs of the Many
Reality Warping "The Prankster" Waterbury, CT Assignment tracker map
Shadow Mimicry Unknown male 1 Reno, NV Assignment tracker map
Silicon Manipulation Mykah California Heroes: Survival
Size Alteration Robert Ferguson Alexandria, LA Assignment tracker map
Snake Mimicry "Snake man" Everglades National Park Assignment tracker map
Summoning Debra Harding Boise, ID Assignment tracker map
Enhanced Speed Alexander French St. Louis, MO The Needs of the Many
Temperature Manipulation Ian Verro Denver, Colorado Assignment tracker map
Remote Teleportation
Journal male 2
Journal female 1
Chilpancingo, Mexico
Palu, Indonesia
Chandra's journal
Weather Manipulation
Albert Rossling
"The Croatian"
San Diego, CA
Assignment tracker map
''Faces, Part 1"'' 

Shown in Deleted Scenes[]

Deleted Scene Power Person Location Source
Dynamic Camouflage "Chameleon Girl" Unknown Season Two DVD deleted scene
Invulnerability Robert Keep Unknown Season Two DVD deleted scene
Radiation Emission Amid Halebi ("The Engineer") Los Angeles, CA Unaired pilot
Probability Computation Kaito Nakamura Tokyo, Japan Season Two DVD deleted scene, Comic-Con video