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Heroes Wiki
Hero Overview

Once I imagined -- perhaps hoped that in some way I was Simon Williams! I AM NOT! What difference if I have the same brain waves! I AM UNIQUE! I am THE VISION -- ! And thus... I am content!
~ Vision.
Wife, our recent home incarceration has provided me with time to think. And I have spent this time thinking about my brother, Victor Mancha. How Victor is alive. And my son, Vin, is not. I have run through a number of scenarios. A great number. And I have rigorously applied those scenarios to a variety of philosophical and religious traditions. Despite my efforts, unfortunately, I cannot see how, in any scenario... in any philosophical or religious tradition... this current outcome is just. I must therefore conclude that it is not just. And what is not just must be addressed. This is true in all scenarios. In all systems. Now, I cannot revive our son. Therefore it seems obvious that I must... that I must... that I I... I cannot cannot... I am the Vision of the Avengers. I saved the world 37 times.
~ Vision to Virginia.

Vision is a major character and superhero in the Marvel Universe.

Most often associated with the Avengers, originally built as a weapon by Ultron to use against the heroes Vision became self-aware and decided to cast aside his old master in favor of being a hero instead and has remained, more or less, a loyal member of the Avengers ever since. Vision is a synthetic being similar to a robot or android but is fully sentient, being capable of understanding and even feeling human emotions.

Vision's capability for humanity climaxed in many ways by him becoming the husband of fellow Avenger Scarlet Witch - although their relationship has struggled he has for the most part been portrayed as loyal, even amidst the chaos that is the life of an Avenger.

He was created by Roy Thomas and the late John Buscema, and first appeared in The Avengers #57 in October of 1968.



Vision was created by Ultron, using the remains of the Human Torch android, and had Professor Phineas Horton alter the Horton Cells to give Vision density shifting powers. However, it was revealed that Horton had not erased the Torch's memories, and Ultron killed him, and defeated the Torch, and gave Vison neural process with the brain patterns of Wonder Man.

Becoming an Avenger[]

Ultron sent Vison to send the Avengers into a deathtrap, and kill them so they wouldn't prevent his plans from coming into fruition. Vision was defeated by the Avengers, and calmed down to inform them that Ultron had sent him to destroy, but decided to betray his creator and wanted to defeat him. Vison then wanted to become an Avenger, and succeeded after being tested by Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor on his powers. Becoming a member of the Avengers, he fought many villains from their rogues gallery, including, Yellowjacket (Henry Pym), Surtur, Ymir, Puppet Master, Egghead, and many others.

Ultron would slowly return and began to influence Vision to create him a vibranium body, which would make him the supervillain become "Ultron-6". Vision managed to break from Ultron's influence, and assisted the Avengers into trying to defeat his creator, but failed. Wanting to make up for having betrayed his allies, Vision followed Ultron-6 and learned that his creator wanted to destroy New York and mankind. Vision battled Ultron, but failed to destroy the A.I. due to the arrival of S.H.I.E.L.D., allowing Ultron-6 to escape. The Avengers and Vision managed to stop Ultron from using the trigger device he made to destroy New York, and the team learned that Vision was being manipulated. Ultron would be defeated by self-destructing itself when trying to absorb the knowledge of Dr. MacLain, who was really Hank Pym and made his creation absorb the phrase, "Thou shall not Kill".

Vision would have an encounter with the Grim Reaper, an enemy of the Avengers whom asked the artificial intelligence that if it helped him, it would transfer Vision's mind into Wonder Man. Vision then would fight the Sentinels, and help the Avengers defeat them and Larry Trask. When the Grim Reaper attacked the Avengers, Vision would trick the villain into thinking it was helping him, but assisted his allies. During his years as an adventurer, he met and fell in love with Scarlet Witch, and their romantic relationship blossomed into marriage. The two spent years with the Avengers before deciding to retire and live in New Jersey, but Vision's control crystal malfunctioned, and became obsessed with making a golden age of peace on Earth. He started doing so by controlling computer systems, but was able to revert and reform, and severed his connection to the planet's databanks and extracting the control crystal from his mind.

Vision would slowly become more obsessed with his chairman duties, and started to make more influences and controlling for his takeover. Vision would then send the Avengers on missions to stop the remnants of Thanos, and Vision would connect his mind through every computer system in the world; abandoning his body in the process. Vision confessed his actions to his allies, who returned to the mansion and managed to convince the A.I. to stop his plans. Vision then removed his control crystal, but his actions would be recognized by NORAD. The Avengers would have to meet with the Council, disbanding and Vision and Scarlet Witch left to become private citizens. Vision and Scarlet Witch would both have two sons, but would learn that their children were soul fragments of the demon Mephisto. The demon would take his fragments back, which drove Scarlet Witch insane, and Vision would have to get the brain patterns of Alex Lipton when he had to be rebuilt.

Scarlet Witch's insanity reached a breaking point, and she tried to rewrite reality to re-create her children that would cause threats. Vision would meet with the Avengers, apologizing to them that he has no control over his body, and his body melted away and released numerous spheres of Ultron. The Avengers battled the Ultrons, and She-Hulk destroyed Vision's body out of anger. Vision would return by having his memories placed into a new android, and went by the name Jonas. Iron Man rebuilt Vision later on, and he was welcomed to return to the Avengers, helping the team battle H.A.M.M.E.R. that was led by Norman Osborn.

Powers and Abilities[]

Vision's main power is his total control over his molecular density: Increasing it renders him invulnerable and augments his natural strength, while also making him immovable; decreasing it enables him to pass through solid matter, grants him flight capabilities, and allows him to levitate.

Vision's android body naturally has greater strength, speed, durability, endurance and reflexes than a human body, as well as a self repairing system, an advanced intellect, and extremely acute senses. Vision can also fire the solar energy the jewel on his forehead absorbs either from said jewel or as heat vision. During the Heroes Return Avengers comic, Vision also gained the power of technopathy, enabling him to telepathically interface with outside technology.




  • In Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow, he was voiced by Shawn MacDonald.
  • In the Marvel Cinematic Universe, he is portrayed by Paul Bettany, who also voiced J.A.R.V.I.S. in the same franchise, and also played Priest in the titular film.


  • In The Avengers: United They Stand, he was voiced by Rob Rubin.
  • In The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes, he was voiced by Peter Jessop.
  • In Avengers Assemble, he was voiced by David Kaye, who also voiced Clank in Ratchet & Clank, James Gordon in Batman: Arkham City, and Optimus Prime in Transformers: Animated.
    • Kaye reprised his voice for the character in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order.

Video Games[]

  • In Marvel: Ultimate Alliance, he was voiced by Roger Rose.
  • In Marvel Heroes, he was voiced by Dave Wittenberg.
  • In Marvel Avengers Academy, he was voiced again by JP Karlia.


  • His brain patterns are based on Wonder Man and Alexander Lipton.
  • The character is loosely based on the Timely Comics character of the same name.


           AvengersLogo Heroes

Ant-Man | Captain America | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp

Later Main Team Members
Beast | Black Cat | Black Knight | Black Panther | Black Widow | Cannonball | Captain Britain | Captain Marvel | Crystal | Cyclops | Daredevil | Demolition Man | Doctor Voodoo | Falcon | Firestar | Hawkeye | Hazmat | Hellcat | Hercules | Invisible Woman | Iron Fist | Jane Foster | Julia Carpenter | Mantis | Maria Hill | Marrina Smallwood | Miles Morales | Mister Fantastic | Mockingbird | Moondragon | Nadia van Dyne | Namor | Noh-Varr | Quake | Quasar | Quicksilver | Red Hulk | Robbie Reyes | Scarlet Witch | Scott Lang | Sentry | Sersi | Shang-Chi | She-Hulk | Silver Surfer | Smasher | Spectrum | Spider-Man | Storm | Sunspot | Thing | Thunderstrike | Tigra | Vision | War Machine | Winter Soldier | Wolverine | Wonder Man | Yellowjacket | Yondu Udonta

Splinter Team Members
Adam Warlock | Amadeus Cho | America Chavez | Blade | Blue Marvel | Brunnhilde | Cannonball | Cassandra Lang | Conan | David Alleyne | Deadpool | Doctor Strange | Echo | Elektra | Elsa Bloodstone | Emma Frost | Enchantress | Firebird | Flash Thompson | Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) | Gwenpool | Havok | Hellstrom | Hulkling | Human Torch (Jim Hammond | Johnny Storm) | Iron Fist | Iron Patriot | Jessica Drew | Jessica Jones | Juggernaut | Kate Bishop | Luke Cage | Magik | Medusa | Moon Knight | Ms. Marvel | Mystique | Nick Fury, Jr. | Nova | Patriot | Power Man | Prodigy | Rogue | Sam Alexander | Songbird | Speed | Spider-Girl | Sharon Carter | Squirrel Girl | Sunfire | Superior Spider-Man | The Punisher | U.S. Agent | Weapon H | White Tiger | Wiccan | X-23

Betty Ross | Ghost Rider | Gwen Stacy | Loki Laufeyson | Man-Wolf | Mary Jane Watson | New Goblin | Nick Fury, Sr. | Odin | Peggy Carter | Pepper Potts | Red Guardian | Rick Jones | Ronin | Shuri | Silver Sable | Venom

Marvel Animated Features
Ultimate Avengers The Movie:The Avengers (Captain America | Giant-Man | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp | Black Widow) | Nick Fury
Ultimate Avengers 2: Rise of the Panther: The Avengers (Captain America | Giant-Man | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp | Black Panther | Black Widow) | Nick Fury
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: The Avengers: (Iron Man | James Rogers | Torunn | Henry Pym Jr. | Azari) | Hulk | Francis Barton

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Avengers: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Agent Phil Coulson | Hawkeye) | The Avengers (Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Black Widow | Hulk | Hawkeye)
Avengers: Age of Ultron: The Avengers (Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Hulk | Black Widow | War Machine | Hawkeye | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Vision | Falcon) | J.A.R.V.I.S. | Maria Hill | Peggy Carter | Heimdall | Erik Selvig | Helen Cho | Nick Fury | F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Avengers: Infinity War: The Avengers (Iron Man | Thor Odinson | Captain America | Hulk | Black Widow | War Machine | Spider-Man | Vision | Scarlet Witch | Falcon | Masters of the Mystic Arts (Doctor Strange | Wong) | Black Panther | Guardians of the Galaxy (Gamora | Nebula | Mantis | Drax the Destroyer | Groot | Rocket Raccoon | Star-Lord) | Loki Odinson | Heimdall | White Wolf | Okoye | Eitri | Pepper Potts | Thunderbolt Ross | Shuri | M'Baku | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | Ned Leeds | Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Happy Hogan
Avengers: Endgame: The Avengers (Iron Man | Thor Odinson | Captain America | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | War Machine | Ant-Man | Captain Marvel | Nebula | Okoye | Rocket Raccoon | Spider-Man | Scarlet Witch | Falcon) | Masters of the Mystic Arts (Doctor Strange | Wong | The Ancient One) | Black Panther | Wasp | Valkyrie | Bucky Barnes | Guardians of the Galaxy (Mantis | Drax the Destroyer | Groot | Star-Lord | Gamora) | Shuri | Happy Hogan | May Parker | Korg | Howard the Duck | Ramonda | Hank Pym | Janet Van Dyne | Thunderbolt Ross | Maria Hill | M'Baku | Ned Leeds | Rescue | Nick Fury | Cassie Lang | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | Loki Odinson | Howard Stark | Peggy Carter | Mighty Thor | Edwin Jarvis | Miek

The Avengers: United They Stand: Ant-Man | Falcon | Hawkeye | Scarlet Witch | Tigra | Vision | Wasp | Wonder Man
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Ant-Man | Black Panther | Black Widow | Captain America | Falcon | Hawkeye | Hulk | Invisible Woman | Iron Man | Mockingbird | Ms. Marvel | Quake | Spider-Man | Thor | Vision | Wasp |Wolverine | Winter Soldier | Yellowjacket
Avengers: Assemble: Ant-Man | Arsenal | Black Panther | Black Widow | Captain America | Captain Marvel | Falcon | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Ms. Marvel | Nick Fury | Red Hulk | Songbird | Spider-Man | Thor | Thunderstrike | Vision
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers: The Avengers (Captain America | Giant Man | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp)
Marvel Future Avengers: Future Avengers (Charade | Codec | Hurricane | Twister)

Video Games
Marvel's Avengers: Ms. Marvel | Iron Man | Captain America | Thor | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Spider-Man | Black Panther | Kate Bishop
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Captain America | Captain Marvel | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Nick Fury | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Thor | Wolverine
