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I don't know how little or how much my life mattered, but I can do this. This one thing. Maybe it will save someone. Anyone. Even just one person. That would be enough. Nobody else should hear what I had to hear inside this place. Nobody else should know hell like this, or the demons that live here.

What's important:
-That I helped someone the way I wanted to someday when I thought I was adopted.
-That my life mattered to someone.

So that I'll know, wherever I go (hopefully to my parents) that I fulfilled a little of what I said I would, and made life just a little better for someone else, even if this place took everything else.
~ The final entry on Riley's journal

Riley is the overarching protagonist of the horror game Poppy Playtime's fourth chapter, Safe Haven.

She was one of the multiple children brought in by Playtime Co. into their on grounds orhapanage, the Playcare, with the goal of being used in heinous experimentations. While she figured out how she felt about her new life, Riley was chosen by Dr. White to be used in the experiments, being made into a Bigger Body, a biological, real size version of one of the company's toys. Her story can be found on notes left across Playtime's Prison.


As a human, Riley's appearance is unknown, and she can only be presumed to look like most twelve year old girls, with specific characteristics not being known.

As a toy, she posseses a child-like height, and pink fur, potentially having been turned into a Kissy Missy toy. As only her corpse can be seen in-game, her skull and ribs are also in display on her rotting body. She can also be seen with bleak, dark eyes, that were just like the big pupil eyes Kissy Missy and other toys show throughout the game


Riley became orphaned of both parents when she was twelve. In August 8 of 1994, she was put in Playcare, the on-grounds orphanage of the toy company Playtime Co.. Since she was shy, she was given a note by Mrs. Harper where she could make "Journals" about her experiences in there. In the end of every Journal, Riley writes what is important for her, and why.

Riley at the start feels like the other kids don't remember a life out of Playtime like she did, because they had been brought in earlier. She hears about the term "chosen", commonly used by her fellow orphans, and states she wants to feel like them feel. In February 10 of 1995, Riley was chosen by Dr. White, and immediatelly became happy, despite not fully understanding it.

She was brought to the lower levels of the factory, a place called the Prison, was put to sleep with an injection and experimented on. After having lost any notion of time, she writes in her journal about how that was not what she, or anybody for that matter, expected. Her body was different, with her being unable to separate her fingers or scream, despite being in extreme pain and wanting to. The only things in her mind are getting out and being herself again.

In August 8 of 1995, the Hour of Joy takes place and the toys take over the factory, killing all humans in there. Riley was freed from her cage, but still did not understand what was happening. She was horrified to see multiple corpses outside of her room, including multiple of toys that looked like her. Shocked, she went back to her room to better think about what to do. Eventually she starts to starve, due to refusing to eat the bodies, only source of food available. While the train that brings the children to the prison was unavailable, due to the conductor being dead, she snatches the key needed for it to work.

Deciding to hide the key with her so no one can be brought to the hellish prison again, Riley signs the final entry of her journal, expressing how she hopes her action can help someone the way she once wished to be helped, and how she hopes she can find her parents after her death. She eventually dies, presumably of starvation, and her body, either rotting away or picked apart by other toys, ends up having multiple exposed bones and missing parts, while still guarding the key.

She is found and the key acquired from her corpse 10 years later, by the Intruder, who also possibly read her Journals, scattered throughout the prison.

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            Poppy Playtime Logo Heroes

Playtime CO.
Elliot Ludwig | The Intruder | Rowan Stoll | Richard Lovitz

Major Toys
Poppy Playtime | Kissy Missy | Doey the Doughman
Minor Toys
Smiling Critters (DogDay & Hoppy Hopscotch) | Scout | Medic | Riley
