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Heroes Wiki

I may not like giving you a job, McCain but it does mean you have to follow my orders. FIRST ONE! Get down to the basement and GET A UNIFORM ON!
~ Dunby meeting Chase McCain after 2 years
…His other mistake was undoubting the ability of the man who arrested him. ME!
~ Dunby to a board meeting

Chief Marion Dunby is one of the secondary tritagonists of both Lego City Undercover and The Chase Begins. Though he is the chief of LCPD, he severely dislikes the main protagonist, Chase McCain and goes out of his way to make sure he does no police work out of paranoia that he'll steal his fame which coincides with his superior, Mayor Gleeson who favours Chase.


And that is Deputy Dunby. He's tough… but unfair
~ Chase McCain describing Dunby

Dunby tends to be largely disliked amongst the LCPD, the people he work with tend to view him as crass, obnoxious, loud and monumentally bad-tempered. Dunby was also incredibly arrogant, to the point where he ignored his superiors by letting Chase McCain on the field when in reality he kept him far away from the Fury Investigation. He also constantly brings how he arrested Rex Fury into any conversation despite the fact that he only did the actual arrest whereas Chase McCain did everything else. He also became even more lazy after Chase returned 2 years later, he barely moved at all and the most active he got was with his police-brand Segway and even fell asleep on the job more than once.

He held a special dislike for Chase McCain who was his rival. Dunby went to insane lengths to make sure he did no police work, in fact the most arduous job he made McCain do in The Chase Begins was to bring him a truckload of doughnuts and was even willing to allow a known criminal, Rex Fury, be on the run simply because he didn't want him on the case. Despite this he was more inconvenienced when he had discovered that McCain had defied his orders when he found a lead on Fury, giving him free run to do what he pleases but warns him he will be fired should the lead go nowhere.

However Dunby did redeem himself at the end. He gave a genuine compliment to McCain when he had saved Lego City from destruction and even gave him a chance to make the proper arrest for Fury but allowed Dunby to have it once again.


           LEGO logo Heroes

LEGO Adventurers: Johnny Thunder | Dr. Kilroy | Pippin Reed | Harry Cane | Mike | Babloo | Sherpa Sangye Dorje | Jing Lee
LEGO Alpha Team: Dash Justice | Crunch | Radia | Charge | Cam Attaway | Flex | Tee Vee | Arrow | Diamond Tooth | Zed
LEGO Agents: Agent Chase | Agent Charge | Agent Fuse | Agent Trace | Agent Swipe
LEGO Atlantis: Samantha Rhodes | Ace Speedman | Axel Storm | Lance Spears | Dr. Jeff Fisher | Bobby Buoy
LEGO City: Anne Brickowski | Chase McCain | Grace Makepiece | Rookie
LEGO Monster Fighters: Dr. Rodney Rathbone | Major Quinton Steele | Jack McHammer | Frank Rock | Ann Lee
Collectible Minifigures: Heroic Knight | Spy

Video Games
LEGO Island: Pepper Roni | Infomaniac | Papa Brickolini | Mama Brickolini | Nick Brick | Laura Brick
LEGO City Undercover: LEGO City Police Department (Chase McCain | Ellie Phillips | Marion Dunby | Studski and Clutch) | Henrik Kowalski | Natalia Kowalski
LEGO Dimensions: Gamer Kid | X-PO

Other Brands
LEGO Star Wars: Baird Kantoo | Jek-14 | Kordi Freemaker | Moxie Freemaker | Padawans | Rebel Friend | R0-GR | Rowan Freemaker | Zander Freemaker
LEGO DC Universe: Batman | Bizzaro League | Green Lantern | Robin | Superman | The Flash | Wonder Woman
LEGO MARVEL: Captain America | Captain Marvel | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Nick Fury | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Thor | Wolverine

See Also
BIONICLE Heroes | Legends of Chima Heroes | Lego Universe Heroes | Mixels Heroes | Nexo Knights Heroes | Ninjago Heroes | The LEGO Movie Heroes | Unikitty! Heroes | LEGO Star Wars Heroes
