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Chihiro Ogino has declared Howard the Duck is to be renamed to
Howard the Duck (Marvel)

for the following reason(s): Howard the Duck (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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"I want you to know my real name. It's Chihiro."

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NOTE: This article is about the incarnation of Howard the Duck from the 1986 film. The mainstream version can be found here: Howard the Duck (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
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Aw, clam up, bud! You don't even know the meaning of the word! Finding yourself in a world of talking hairless apes--Now that's absurdity!
~ Howard the Duck

Howard Duckson, also known as Howard the Duck, is the main titular protagonist of the comic book series of the same name and the 1986 film of the same name as well.

He is an extra-terrestrial duck who lives on a planet populated by anthropomorphic ducks that evolved from birds instead of primates. His world is almost identical to Earth but is filled with bird-related visual puns. Howard is transported to Earth by a rift in the space-time continuum.

He was voiced by Chip Zien and performed by an assortment of stunt actors in a duck suit ranging from late Peter Baird, Ed Gale, Jordan Prentice, Tim Rose, Steve Sleap, Lisa Sturz, and Mary Wells.


Howard the Duck (1986 film)[]

Howard lives on Duckworld, a planet just like Earth but inhabited by anthropomorphic ducks. One night, as he reads the latest issue of Playduck Magazine, his armchair begins to quake violently and propels him out of his apartment building and into outer space, where he eventually ends up on Earth, in Cleveland, Ohio. Upon arriving, Howard encounters a girl being attacked by thugs and decides to help her out with his unique brand of "Quack Fu". After the thugs scamper, the girl introduces herself as Beverly, and decides to take Howard to her apartment and let him spend the night. The next day, Beverly takes Howard to a supposed-scientist by the name of Phil Blumburtt, who Beverly hopes can help Howard return to his world.

After Phil is revealed to be only a lab assistant, Howard resigns himself to life on Earth and rejects Beverly's aid. With the help of a no-nonsense secretary, he soon lands a job cleaning up at a local romantic spa. Due to unfair treatment by his boss, Howard ultimately quits his job and returns to Beverly, who plays in a band called Cherry Bomb. At the club where Cherry Bomb is performing, Howard comes across the group's sleazy manager, and confronts the manager when he badmouths the band. A fight ensues in which Howard is victorious, and he then forces the manager to release Cherry Bomb from their unfair contract.

Howard rejoins Beverly backstage after the band's performance, gives the band their money and accompanies Beverly back to her apartment, where Beverly chooses Howard to be Cherry Bomb's new manager. The two begin to flirt and joke at the idea of sexual intercourse but are interrupted when Blumburtt and two of his colleagues, Dr. Walter Jenning and Larry, arrive and reveal how Howard came to Earth; Scientists had been working on a dimensional-jumping device that just happened to be aimed at Howard's universe and brought him to Earth accidentally. They believe they can send Howard back through a reversal of the process, so they all agree to visit the lab with the intention of sending him back.

As they arrive at the lab the laser is malfunctioning again, this time causing Jenning's body to be taken over by an alien from "the Nexus of Sominus." Because the malfunctioning laser exploded someone has called the police, who arrive during the resulting chaos. Since Howard seems out of place (they believe him to be in a costume) the police decide Howard must be to blame and try to arrest him. Beverly and Jenning escape while Jenning begins a slow physical transformation into the alien, he says is inside of him. Howard, Beverly, and Jenning get into Jenning's truck and flee from the police as Jenning continues his transformation.

They decide to visit a "Cajun sushi diner" where Jenning introduces himself as "the Dark Overlord of the Universe" and demonstrates his supernatural powers by causing a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard to break. Howard is rude to the waitress, causing a group of truckers to insult him, leading to another fight. The entire diner then decides to cook Howard. They overwhelm him, carrying him into the kitchen and tying him to a table. The Dark Overlord then uses his powers to destroy the diner, freeing Howard. Deciding he will invade Earth, the Dark Overlord kidnaps Beverly, escaping in a semi-truck. As she protests, he explains he will need human hosts for his army.

On his own for the moment, Howard soon finds Phil and frees him from the police. The next section of the movie is an extended chase scene in which the two steal an ultralight aircraft, which they fly along roads searching for Beverly while the police remain in hot pursuit.

Back at the lab the Dark Overlord ties Beverly to a desk and puts her under the laser, saying he'll transfer another one of its kind into her body with the laser. Howard and Phil return to the lab and find a "neutron disintegrator" the lab had been testing for the military. When they shoot his with the weapon the Dark Overlord is forced from Jenning's body; neither are harmed. The Dark Overlord turns out to be a monstrous scorpion-like creature with human-like face and arms. Howard fires the neutron disintegrator again, obliterating the Dark Overlord, but there are already more of the Dark Overlords on their way to Earth. Howard is forced to decide between letting Earth's invasion take place while he returns home or destroy the laser, which would strand him on Earth. Howard chooses to destroy the laser.

Remaining on Earth, Howard chooses to become Beverly's band's manager. He hires Phil as a crew member for the band during their tour. A large rock concert is shown where Howard is invited up on stage with Beverly's band and is shown playing guitar with them.





           AvengersLogo Heroes

Ant-Man | Captain America | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp

Later Main Team Members
Beast | Black Cat | Black Knight | Black Panther | Black Widow | Cannonball | Captain Britain | Captain Marvel | Crystal | Cyclops | Daredevil | Demolition Man | Doctor Voodoo | Falcon | Firestar | Hawkeye | Hazmat | Hellcat | Hercules | Invisible Woman | Iron Fist | Jane Foster | Julia Carpenter | Mantis | Maria Hill | Marrina Smallwood | Miles Morales | Mister Fantastic | Mockingbird | Moondragon | Nadia van Dyne | Namor | Noh-Varr | Quake | Quasar | Quicksilver | Red Hulk | Robbie Reyes | Scarlet Witch | Scott Lang | Sentry | Sersi | Shang-Chi | She-Hulk | Silver Surfer | Smasher | Spectrum | Spider-Man | Storm | Sunspot | Thing | Thunderstrike | Tigra | Vision | War Machine | Winter Soldier | Wolverine | Wonder Man | Yellowjacket | Yondu Udonta

Splinter Team Members
Adam Warlock | Amadeus Cho | America Chavez | Blade | Blue Marvel | Brunnhilde | Cannonball | Cassandra Lang | Conan | David Alleyne | Deadpool | Doctor Strange | Echo | Elektra | Elsa Bloodstone | Emma Frost | Enchantress | Firebird | Flash Thompson | Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) | Gwenpool | Havok | Hellstrom | Hulkling | Human Torch (Jim Hammond | Johnny Storm) | Iron Fist | Iron Patriot | Jessica Drew | Jessica Jones | Juggernaut | Kate Bishop | Luke Cage | Magik | Medusa | Moon Knight | Ms. Marvel | Mystique | Nick Fury, Jr. | Nova | Patriot | Power Man | Prodigy | Rogue | Sam Alexander | Songbird | Speed | Spider-Girl | Sharon Carter | Squirrel Girl | Sunfire | Superior Spider-Man | The Punisher | U.S. Agent | Weapon H | White Tiger | Wiccan | X-23

Betty Ross | Ghost Rider | Gwen Stacy | Loki Laufeyson | Man-Wolf | Mary Jane Watson | New Goblin | Nick Fury, Sr. | Odin | Peggy Carter | Pepper Potts | Red Guardian | Rick Jones | Ronin | Shuri | Silver Sable | Venom

Marvel Animated Features
Ultimate Avengers The Movie:The Avengers (Captain America | Giant-Man | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp | Black Widow) | Nick Fury
Ultimate Avengers 2: Rise of the Panther: The Avengers (Captain America | Giant-Man | Hulk | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp | Black Panther | Black Widow) | Nick Fury
Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow: The Avengers: (Iron Man | James Rogers | Torunn | Henry Pym Jr. | Azari) | Hulk | Francis Barton

Marvel Cinematic Universe
The Avengers: S.H.I.E.L.D. (Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Agent Phil Coulson | Hawkeye) | The Avengers (Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Black Widow | Hulk | Hawkeye)
Avengers: Age of Ultron: The Avengers (Iron Man | Captain America | Thor Odinson | Hulk | Black Widow | War Machine | Hawkeye | Quicksilver | Scarlet Witch | Vision | Falcon) | J.A.R.V.I.S. | Maria Hill | Peggy Carter | Heimdall | Erik Selvig | Helen Cho | Nick Fury | F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Avengers: Infinity War: The Avengers (Iron Man | Thor Odinson | Captain America | Hulk | Black Widow | War Machine | Spider-Man | Vision | Scarlet Witch | Falcon | Masters of the Mystic Arts (Doctor Strange | Wong) | Black Panther | Guardians of the Galaxy (Gamora | Nebula | Mantis | Drax the Destroyer | Groot | Rocket Raccoon | Star-Lord) | Loki Odinson | Heimdall | White Wolf | Okoye | Eitri | Pepper Potts | Thunderbolt Ross | Shuri | M'Baku | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | Ned Leeds | Nick Fury | Maria Hill | Happy Hogan
Avengers: Endgame: The Avengers (Iron Man | Thor Odinson | Captain America | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | War Machine | Ant-Man | Captain Marvel | Nebula | Okoye | Rocket Raccoon | Spider-Man | Scarlet Witch | Falcon) | Masters of the Mystic Arts (Doctor Strange | Wong | The Ancient One) | Black Panther | Wasp | Valkyrie | Bucky Barnes | Guardians of the Galaxy (Mantis | Drax the Destroyer | Groot | Star-Lord | Gamora) | Shuri | Happy Hogan | May Parker | Korg | Howard the Duck | Ramonda | Hank Pym | Janet Van Dyne | Thunderbolt Ross | Maria Hill | M'Baku | Ned Leeds | Rescue | Nick Fury | Cassie Lang | F.R.I.D.A.Y. | Loki Odinson | Howard Stark | Peggy Carter | Mighty Thor | Edwin Jarvis | Miek

The Avengers: United They Stand: Ant-Man | Falcon | Hawkeye | Scarlet Witch | Tigra | Vision | Wasp | Wonder Man
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes: Ant-Man | Black Panther | Black Widow | Captain America | Falcon | Hawkeye | Hulk | Invisible Woman | Iron Man | Mockingbird | Ms. Marvel | Quake | Spider-Man | Thor | Vision | Wasp |Wolverine | Winter Soldier | Yellowjacket
Avengers: Assemble: Ant-Man | Arsenal | Black Panther | Black Widow | Captain America | Captain Marvel | Falcon | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Ms. Marvel | Nick Fury | Red Hulk | Songbird | Spider-Man | Thor | Thunderstrike | Vision
Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers: The Avengers (Captain America | Giant Man | Iron Man | Thor | Wasp)
Marvel Future Avengers: Future Avengers (Charade | Codec | Hurricane | Twister)

Video Games
Marvel's Avengers: Ms. Marvel | Iron Man | Captain America | Thor | Hulk | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Spider-Man | Black Panther | Kate Bishop
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes: Captain America | Captain Marvel | Black Widow | Hawkeye | Hulk | Iron Man | Nick Fury | She-Hulk | Spider-Man | Thor | Wolverine
