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Bug-a-Booo is a major character in the Monica's Gang franchise and the titular main protagonist of the Bug-a-Booo, comics.

He is shorty, unlucky and is always doing favors to his friends. He is often victim of antics and mischief of his friends, but almost never gets nervous. His main hobby is to scare the living humans who are walking around his graveyard, but he is not a bad ghost. His best friends are Vic Vampire (a shorty yellow vampire), Frank (a reference to Frankenstein's Monster), Skully (a single skull), Moe (a mummy), Wolfgang (a dog-like werewolf) and Sid Skully (a full body skeleton). He is the uncle of Little Boy Boo and his girlfriend is the female ghost Sally Soul. Bug-a-Booo still manages to be a close friend of Lady MacDeath (a female personification of Death) and even assists in her work to bring dead souls to the cemetery.

Like many characters of Monica's Gang, he is also a friend of protagonists Monica, Jimmy Five, Smudge and Maggy occasionally doing crossovers in their stories.



               Monica's Gang logo Heroes

Monica's Gang
Monica | Jimmy Five | Smudge | Maggy | Franklin | Blu | Ditto | Glu | Denise | Specs | Bucky | Jeremiah | Fluffy | Vanilla | Marina | Sunny | Angel | Dustine | CapitĂ£o Pitoco | Hercules | The River Mermaid

Chuck Billy 'n' Folks
Chuck Billy | Rosie Lee | Zeke

Tina's Pals
Tina | Curly

Bug-a-Booo | Lady MacDeath | Vic Vampire | Wolfgang | Moe the Mummy

The Cavern Clan
Pitheco | Tooga

Lionel's Kingdom
Thunder | King Lionel

The Funnies

Horacio's World

The Tribe
