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Heroes Wiki

Good Golly Gosh!
~ Boris' Catchphrase.
Now I'm not really Buddy anymore. I am also Boris. Descending deeper into this world of ageing, yellowing madness.
~ Buddy's final thought in the novel "Dreams Come to Life".

Daniel "Buddy" Lewek, later known as Boris the Wolf and his twisted form Brute Boris, is the deuteragonist of the Bendy franchise. Boris serves as an antagonist in the cartoons made by Joey Drew Studios, usually pitted against the "heroic" Bendy, who he usually antagonizes.

However, when the cartoons are brought into the real world by the Ink Machine, Boris was actually one of the few successful creations and friendly characters until he was brainwashed and twisted into Brute Boris by Twisted Alice. There had been other boris clones with Buddy the protagonist of the Dreams to Come to Life Novel becoming Boris the same one Henry Stein met.


Boris is a black anthropomorphic wolf with white gloves, white overall with knee patches, and black shoes.


Chapter 1: Moving Pictures[]

A dead clone of Boris appears in a room tied to a table with his heart removed.

Chapter 2: The Old Song[]

Boris appears at the end of the chapter after that Henry escaped from Ink Bendy.

Chapter 3: Rise and Fall[]

In this chapter Boris supports Henry trying to help him to reach the exit. It's also revealed that there is a big amount of Boris clones and that they were all killed by "Alice", a version of the character Alice Angel who is trying to achieve "perfection" using ink creature innards. At the end of chapter 3, Boris gets captured by "Alice" after he and Henry survived a fall down an elevator shaft.

Chapter 4: Colossal Wonders[]

Boris, who has been turned by "Alice" into her minion, Brute Boris, throws Henry aside when he is riding a haunted house cart to "Alice"s lair, and Henry has to fight him, eventually killing him, leading to Boris fading away after his defeat.


Unlike the Ink Demon and Twisted Alice , Boris is on Henry's side and is very helpful and kind. Boris has a simple-minded attitude and can get clumsy, sometimes getting cross when he is disturbed. He doesn't seem very talkative, and is rather timid in nature whenever an enemy lurks nearby.

Before being turned into the Boris clone, Daniel (Buddy) Lewek was hired by Joey Drew as a volunteer JDS worker at the age of 17 years old.

Thought he was dreaming of animating Bendy cartoons at JDS, he technically became an errand boy of the art department.

He's a kindhearted character who strives for justice and wants to help people whenever he can; he also gets scared easily, which aligns with his Boris persona.

Buddy tries to be friendly toward everyone but is shown to struggle with expressing his feelings and thoughts out loud which makes him to look like a loner.

He's direct while communicating and doesn't always understands jokes or sarcasm. When Allison Pendle (a voice actress) makes joke about Allison & Alice sounding similar and notes on how ironic it is, Buddy sounds puzzled; Only after she says that she voices Alice Angel in cartoons, he notes that it was hard to understand what she meant & expected him to say.

Buddy also experiences anger outburts when he overthinks during the conversations and starts acting defensive (which has resulted in a conflict between him and his friend Dot once)

External Links[]


           BendyLogo Heroes

Ink Creatures
Recreations of Humans
Henry Stein | Allison Angel | Ink Joey

Former Humans
Boris the Wolf | Porter | Big Steve

Tom | Audrey Drew | Cartoon Bendy | Heidi | Betty

Joey Drew Studios
Daniel Lewek | Dot | Steve McGregor

Archgate Films
Nathan Arch | Audrey Drew

Fictional Fictional
Bendy | Boris the Wolf | Alice Angel | Ruby Goldberg | Boswell Lotsabucks | Wooly Triplets | Pig Cop | Bubbles | Orphanage Nuns | Orphans | Bendy's Train
